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are you allowed to raid a base without a valid warrant?

Wilhelm Panderino

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Cops require a valid warrant in order to raid a base. Raiding a base without a warrant is FailRP.

this is under COP section, fuel told me ingame that cp are allowed to break this rule and their punishment is an RP demote. Is this how this rule works? Essentially i can go to someones base and make a warrant for a made up reason and the most i get is a demote? I was muted in chat for trying to clarify this in game


Mine and fuels entire conversation, that apparently was arguing 

Instance of someone appealing a warn for this exact thing and it getting denied

another instance clarifying this isnt allowed




Edited by Wilhelm Panderino
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Just now, Abstergo said:

I believe you may have misunderstood him. This is something that you could totally call a sit over if it happened to you, but /demote-ing the offending player is also a valid way to deal with it. I would even encourage this, as it saves staff time.

You are not allowed to RP demote for rule violations, The point of this post is to ask if this is a rule violation. Fuel tells me it is not "against the motd"

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No, quite obviously not. It's against the rules like I already said. There's a difference between the FailRP that is not roleplaying as a chosen job correctly (Ex:  a cop that enters a base without a warrant, cops not arresting criminals, spawn of hell using speed buff to deliver parcels), and FailRP that is violating the rules of our server (Ex: Removing and replacing dupe during a roleplay situation, Raiding a base without a warrant, and making KOS laws outside of PD) Our punishment guidelines define FailRP that is not roleplaying as a chosen job to be:)


Not role-playing properly or as chosen job (FailRP)
FailRP is a very general term, this includes things like cops not arresting criminals and letting them go.
This should not be punishable by staff and the players have all of the power to decide who is and isn't on the job.

A verbal warning in rare circumstances can be given out to players who do not want to role-play.

In simple ways, consider not roleplaying properly to be "Failing to RP" and "FailRP" the rule break to be like a "fail" law or "fail" like loss or no. So that means it is not allowed. Me not wording something how you would like it does not mean that I am fundamentally incorrect, you just interpret it that way. Our MOTD defines trespassing as raiding HOWEVER a CP just entering a base without a warrant is not raiding without a warrant because that would be retarded. It would be dumbfounded to bring someone to a sit for just entering a base because they're playing as a certain job, when if you were per se, a thief job you would be able to step in, it would just be trespassing, therefore raiding, kosable, and 20 minutes must be waited to return. CP will still have to abide by NLR 20 minute time limits after they get killed for entering someones base, it's just that it's not an EQUAL violation against the rules like raiding without a warrant and like destroying props would be. We've deemed that since they are CP and may have a reason to do that, it is not something we will punish for unless it happens over and over. Makes sense?  Yea, I will admit that I was wrong to an extent, you're encouraged to handle this in an rp manner unless it becomes an incessant issue. It was just my train of thought was stuck on it being a demote because as far as I know, I have always handled it in that manner. It's unlikely the sit will go anywhere past a verbal if they just do it once unless after the fact they keep doing it.  

Edited by Fuel
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19 minutes ago, Fuel said:

No, quite obviously not. It's against the rules like I already said. There's a difference between the FailRP that is not roleplaying as a chosen job correctly (Ex:  a cop that enters a base without a warrant, cops not arresting criminals, spawn of hell using speed buff to deliver parcels), and FailRP that is violating the rules of our server (Ex: Removing and replacing dupe during a roleplay situation, Raiding a base without a warrant, and making KOS laws outside of PD) Our punishments define FailRP that is not roleplaying as a chosen job to be:)

In simple ways, consider not roleplaying properly to be "Failing to RP" and "FailRP" the rule break to be like a "fail" law or "fail" like loss or no. So that means it is not allowed. Me not wording something how you would like it does not mean that I am fundamentally incorrect, you just interpret it that way. Our MOTD defines trespassing as raiding HOWEVER a CP just entering a base without a warrant is not raiding without a warrant because that would be retarded. We've deemed that since they are CP and may have a reason to do that, it is not something we will punish for unless it happens over and over. Makes sense?

literally you saying its not a rule break, I got muted in game for asking. Make up your mind



Edited by Wilhelm Panderino
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Just now, Wilhelm Panderino said:

literally you saying its not a rule break, I got muted in game for asking. Make up your mind

You got muted for continuing to argue about a rule you didn't like wording of and your behavior in this thread shows it. Even yesterday I had told a user off for saying that you can enter soemones base without a warrant and not be demoted, because that is not proper roleplay. Mr Doc McStubbins, the server owner argued with Walter the Assaulter, a long standing admin about whether or not it should be demotable, and doc said, "No, don't do that"

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1 minute ago, Fuel said:

You got muted for continuing to argue about a rule you didn't like wording of and your behavior in this thread shows it. Even yesterday I had told a user off for saying that you can enter soemones base without a warrant and not be demoted, because that is not proper roleplay. Mr Doc McStubbins, the server owner argued with Walter the Assaulter, a long standing admin about whether or not it should be demotable, and doc said, "No, don't do that"

idk about you, but this looks a lot like me trying to clarify what you said was correct and not argumentative 

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20 minutes ago, Wilhelm Panderino said:

Cops require a valid warrant in order to raid a base. Raiding a base without a warrant is FailRP.

this is under COP section, fuel told me ingame that cp are allowed to break this rule and their punishment is an RP demote. Is this how this rule works? Essentially i can go to someones base and make a warrant for a made up reason and the most i get is a demote? I was muted in chat for trying to clarify this in game

Instance of someone appealing a warn for this exact thing and it getting denied

another instance clarifying this isnt allowed




Being a corrupt cop is failRP so therefore fuel is wrong.

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1 hour ago, Dan Mcstubbins said:

Fuel was saying that you should try to handle it in game before trying to make a sit. Why is this turning into a big argument? 

As i said before, point of this post is to clarify if its "against the motd" You are not allowed to demote for rule infractions. 

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