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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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May we have a little auction feature when it comes to selling items?


User must have item in their hand and do a certain command 


(e.g /startbid priceHere, !startbid priceHere)


The auction will begin and people can increase the bidding to win the item 


(Max Printer, Minigun, Shipments, or even Singles)


This will cause the market of Gun Dealers/Black Market Dealers to drop since some may sell it cheaper rather than using those little stands where people rarely look at unless you have a flashing sign that causes the server to have seizures but it's very similar to how the real world works (Buy/Sell/Trade)

I love any idea of some sort of auction house, it would add so much more fun to  the server and could server as a new way to make money and would be much easier than the process with the shelf's.

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May we have a little auction feature when it comes to selling items?


User must have item in their hand and do a certain command 


(e.g /startbid priceHere, !startbid priceHere)


The auction will begin and people can increase the bidding to win the item 


(Max Printer, Minigun, Shipments, or even Singles)


This will cause the market of Gun Dealers/Black Market Dealers to drop since some may sell it cheaper rather than using those little stands where people rarely look at unless you have a flashing sign that causes the server to have seizures but it's very similar to how the real world works (Buy/Sell/Trade)

I love any idea of some sort of auction house, it would add so much more fun to  the server and could server as a new way to make money and would be much easier than the process with the shelf's.


At this point, I'm fine with anything that makes the economic a bit easier rather than the child labor of titsrp. 


If the auction thing doesn't happen, I'd like to make a suggestion on bringing back hourly pay. Nothing too fancy just something like ($1000/hr) but with the hourly pay being added, you can always add the anti-afk plugin as well to prevent money hoaders who just stands there for free $$

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An auction addon is on my list of to-do's but it's not a priority. In the next update there will be a $750 payday every 15 minutes which means you can make up to 75k extra per day by standing there


An auction house would probably be added with the Mail System which will make it easier for me to communicate updates such as rule changes, users can mail eachother dildos, it will created 2 jobs and ect

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Suggestion: If you deal damage to someone. You are unable to use master sword (mainly)/lightsaber for 10 seconds.


If you are a cop isn't that what the non lethal is for?

And 10 seconds is way to long maybe 2 seconds because chances are if you damage someone you are going to keep damaging someone.


But what would happen if you used your mastersword and took fall damage? or got crossfired?

or if you are using your mastersword/lightsaber to run away because you dont want to get murdered and you are going to call cops?


-1 Bad idea.


See, that's what you'd think, but you can still master sword away even if you get nonlethaled. Which is super annoying because people just abuse that walk up to cops, hit them, and master sword away.

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Just a minor one: Add "Carjack" to the list of adverts that do or do not exist in the MOTD. I know it is basically the same thing as steal, but I still see people adverting it every so often. Adding it to the list takes like 5 seconds so why not do it.

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Just a minor one: Add "Carjack" to the list of adverts that do or do not exist in the MOTD. I know it is basically the same thing as steal, but I still see people adverting it every so often. Adding it to the list takes like 5 seconds so why not do it.


How about no, it's absolutely pointless and doesn't go along with any other rules. HUGE -1

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Just a minor one: Add "Carjack" to the list of adverts that do or do not exist in the MOTD. I know it is basically the same thing as steal, but I still see people adverting it every so often. Adding it to the list takes like 5 seconds so why not do it.


How about no, it's absolutely pointless and doesn't go along with any other rules. HUGE -1


Wait what? It's not pointless though, he's actually kind of right.

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Just a minor one: Add "Carjack" to the list of adverts that do or do not exist in the MOTD. I know it is basically the same thing as steal, but I still see people adverting it every so often. Adding it to the list takes like 5 seconds so why not do it.


How about no, it's absolutely pointless and doesn't go along with any other rules. HUGE -1


Wait what? It's not pointless though, he's actually kind of right.


Oh shit, I read that completely wrong. I thought he meant make it so we have to advert it when we are doing it. My b

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1ways are broken and unfair, makes raiding a massive pain in the ass, and Blowtorch/C4 are way too expensive and easy to lose for them to be solutions. They are also effectively an exploit (the black material+glowy red one thing) with HL2/Source physics/materials. Either you make countering 1ways cheaper/easier or remove them.

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1ways are broken and unfair, makes raiding a massive pain in the ass, and Blowtorch/C4 are way too expensive and easy to lose for them to be solutions. They are also effectively an exploit (the black material+glowy red one thing) with HL2/Source physics/materials. Either you make countering 1ways cheaper/easier or remove them.




They are expensive for a reason because it literally makes raiding more fun by going into the back. Blowtorches are easily to put away as long as you watch your health bar and have a friend watching your back.

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