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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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We will never ever switch maps ever in the remaining span of this server's lifetime. We have done it 9 times so far and each time has resulted in a dead playerbase within a week.


Although, the only positive thing I can say about switching maps is that it refreshes the community.


I usually switch maps when the community is just too silly and too bloodthirsty. It takes around a week for a whole new group to come in. It's a strange process but I like you guys so I don't really want to "refresh" the community. If we ever do switch maps, don't think of it as a perma switch. At this point, I know that switching maps will always result to a dead server.


I always go with the phrase "No one really like this map but it's the only map anyone will play". When it comes down to it, would you rather play on a server with 10 - 30 people or a server with 40 - 65 people.


I would love a custom map that is a glorified downtown but I don't think we have a big enough community to sustain it and also it's going to cost one fine penny to get a good one made because I sure as heck am not making the map. ($150 - $300)

learning 2 copy and paste never hurt nobody, someone in our community could get the shit we like from different maps and put it in one then do you think we could have the map maker polish it a bit so we only need to pay them like 1/3 of the price?

Don't listen to me that is damn near stealing but who cares, it's gmod! the game based on stealing textures from valve.

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I know it is Gmod and basically 95% of all Gmod server's just steal content from the workshop and call it as theirs and decompile maps and add like a few doors here and there but that is not my course of action. 


At the end of the day, yes this is a generic DarkRP server but it is slowly, ever so slowly changing for the better. I don't want to take 2 steps back and pay a 14 year old $30 to decompile downtown and just add leaks to it.


In theory, it would be the easiest in my opinion to just decompile the map and then optimize it so it's like EvoCity. Where each section is branched off and it's a lot easier on everyone. But this is all just clienside performance and the server wouldn't change at all. Maybe it's worth doing or maybe not.


If I do something like that, it won't be until mid May when I am on my summer break. But when that day comes, it will be 4 months of hardcore development for the server so hopefully something cool like that will be done.


46 more days in total and only 18 days of class left until I am going to have all the time in the world to do something big.

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wasn't working for me so I persumed


Oh well, I can't blame you for not knowing, only reason I know is because I have almost 4,000 hours on Garry's Mod.






I don't know if I'm speaking for me, a crowd, or the entire server, but a map change would probably kill the server like it has in the past.


Every time any server changes it's map they get into complications because the server is dead. I don't know why autismtown_v2 is appealing, but oh well.


Even if the map is lord of down syndrome, I would rather have a retarded map than a dead player base.


(I'm agreeing with you)

(Except at the end where you said you were planning it)

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