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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Death emblems don't seem too difficult besides finding good icons to use that don't look terrible when imported into game. I can probably figure something out to add something like this for the killcam rework

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Death emblems don't seem too difficult besides finding good icons to use that don't look terrible when imported into game. I can probably figure something out to add something like this for the killcam rework


Yeah that would be pretty sick actually

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  • Firstly, the Bloods and Crips being KOS against each other debate. Although it causes a ton of crossfire I may have a solution. Instead of making them KOS and instead of creating a gang war (which by the way can cause a ton of crossfire too), we could make it like a event. Redo the gang war npc to make it so if both parties agree to the war, they can actually be teleported to a different area in which there are some bigger guns in the middle (they do indeed start with their pistols and smgs) and they fight to the death. It will be about the size of slums and will have props and buildings placed for fights exclusively. This will only be accessible by starting the war. Also, we could increase the slots for crips and blood members to 10 and have a full out war with let’s say a 100k prize pot. 10k for each winning member. Each gang member can call for backup and the leader can stay behind. I would be glad to collaborate and even build the arena if you would like. 
  • Make the war starter more accessible. A lot of people don’t know about the war starter due to most new players being on the job. If we can have the gang leader get a “want to start a war?” Message every 5 minutes to increase the activity between gsngs.
  • Put Crips/bloods are not kos in the job description and how to actually start a war/make them kos
  • This brings me to the making the description of jobs more available. I say when you join a job for the first time you could have a screen pop up describing the rules.
  • I would also like the malfia to be able to start a war with the police if a member gets jailed. The jailed member will be stuck in there until the malfia leader dies or they end up unarresting said member.
  • I would say that with a few tweaks with this suggestion and a bigger way to advertise the way it is now, this could be a great thing 

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This is just a small suggestion but to me it would be a HUGE improvement, one of my favorite spots to base is by the church with the huge garden in the back, the garden spawns choppable trees and mine able rocks which I LOVE, however it would be really nice if the backyard area could also be able to grow crops (like some of the houses in residential) that way it'll be a really popular basing spot, and a way to passively craft! Hopefully this gets added :D (edit: some chemical hoses at that base would be awesome aswell)


i would love if this was implemented man especially the chem hoses

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Death emblems don't seem too difficult besides finding good icons to use that don't look terrible when imported into game. I can probably figure something out to add something like this for the killcam rework


I think an idea on how the shapes and fonts could work is you can A.) buy them into the game (like models) B.) buy them off somebody (like models) or my personal idea C.) when you get killed by somebody who has a shape, font or colour you don't there is a small chance to unlock one shape/colour/font present on the death emblem (this way it'll be a little easier for the newcomers or for people who don't/can't donate)


a chemical hose at the church doesnt really make sense but having 2-6 plots to farm either drugs or olives could add something to the a e s t h e t i c  when using the base

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If you get kidnapped - and your kidnapper dies by any source WITHOUT placing down your items - either your box of items drops for 0 dollars or you get it back when you're up again.


Having to find a way to die / get killed everytime is annoying.

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If you get kidnapped - and your kidnapper dies by any source WITHOUT placing down your items - either your box of items drops for 0 dollars or you get it back when you're up again.


Having to find a way to die / get killed everytime is annoying.

Actually true. When your kidnapper gets killed he cannot drop the box anymore so you are kinda stuck breaking RP and asking people to kill u

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New job:

News reporter

- Has camera to make photographs

- Hands out newspapers for $200

- Making a newspaper will be done through !paper which opens a form consisting of a headline and text entry which on submit will update your newspaper.

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I think the older processors should make a return i as i said before and ill say again i know they increase the farming and time aspect of the server, "the longer your on the better items and more money can be made" but i understand why they were changed i just dont like the sitting near a chem hose waiting to be killed while getting myself barrels to upgrade my processor. from all the raiding i do i dont see many people use the new processors maybe because of the chem barrels or not knowing that metal can be used to increase the rarity of the items but mostly the new people who join dont know how to use them. with the older processors they were simple and amazing the loot was overpowered beyond belief but loot tables and chances could be altered in my opinion to make it not as overpowered but worth the 40k+ it used to cost to have a fully upgraded processor. Any other reasons the processor should be changed to the old one or should be kept post a reply i would love to see them all.

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