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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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There was going to be a new job called Patient 0 who was able to spread diseases but I scrapped it due to the fact that it's hard to make a viable job. Sure it could get XP but it lacks the way of making money. Maybe the job would be able to create custom diseases and he could spread it around places and contaminate water so the fish you get, gives you that disease or the food you eat, plants you harvest, wood you chop..


I can see it being annoying though. People already hate Ebola. You have a .2% chance to get it on spawn, it used to be 1% and within a hour or so, everyone had ebola. People really don't like dealing with other factors that are forced upon them.


The ebola perk seems fine. Not everyone will be able to reach that gang level and there will always be new players in the game which makes it harder to have a full server of people with the perk.

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Add a talent or as a special to an enchanted weapon: X amount of % to retain weapon when killed, based on the rarity. Have a special that retains the weapon on kill.


Or as an alternative talent / special -


On death you have x amount of % to drop weapon on killed, based upon the rarity. Same for special.


Another alternative - which combines both:


On death you have x % chance to retain weapon, the other % is dropping it, or not retaining / dropping it at all.


I'd like to see more people using enchanted weapons, as they can be extremely strong - but when you die - whether be from a raid, ebola, rdm, etc. There's just too many ways to die. If a weapon has a chance to be retained, I would see more people using enchanted weapons.


If enchanted weapons had a drop % when dying, it would be cool to see when you kill someone. With the drop rates - the rarer the weapon, the easier it is to retain, the harder it is to drop.


If a player is holding an enchanted weapon in their weapon bar, it will drop when they are killed


I don't know if you're talking about only enchanted weapons but the issue with having a talent that force drops weapons is CC's. Since you would be able to farm money by getting your friend to shoot you x amount of times to have their weapon dropped and then only to have them die and have it dropped again and again, ect. This actually goes for any job. The solution to that is to only make it so you could inventory weapons that the player isn't spawned with. It could make for an interesting talent and or an interesting ability to a job


Retaining those weapons are also fine but I feel as that's something to put on the back burner


Write down rules for sewler.

If he fails to kill you (gets killed) how long until he can try again? Can we hard code this into the swep? Can we go back down right away if he kills us? What if I have a base down there? Can we stop him from using guns?


I would say that NLR doesn't apply to kills by the sewer lord since it's his area to control. I can add something that prevents damage to players who kills the sewer lord but that may result in a really unhappy sewer lord when he gets gunned downed because people hunt for him. Yea, making him not use guns is probably the way to go

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After playing on the server for a little bit, I've come to find some things that I do and don't like about it. This post is about improving some of the things that I do not like.


New addons:

Rule Changes:

  • The current rule regarding raiding isn't clear. For example, if you get killed outside of your base boundaries (Out of the fence and off the sidewalk. In the middle of the street in an opposite direction.), why does it count towards the raid? This happened to me today and I got a warn for it. I believe that this type of issue needs to be specified. This also isn't necessarily a fair thing either. 

Please let me know what you think of these ideas. I feel like they'd be very beneficial to the server and could add a lot more fun.


I don't think Sugar will be chaning the printer system at all,he may give it a boost or something but he wont change it completley. Sugar won't add Wiremod because it could make FPS problems and other stuff. We already have a prop buddy system or it was removed,I think it's still there.We have the sit addon. He should make the raiding rule clearer but not change it. I can already see people going away 10 metres away from their base,getting killed and whining that he cant kill him whilst he's away from his base.


I don't believe FPS would be an issue if the more demanding Wiremod entities are blacklisted. Regardless, FPS in Gmod already sucks a lot. I don't think  Wiremod is going to be a huge issue if it's added. I do still think that the printer system should be redone though. Like I said, having to micromanage them can be frustrating. I've also had a lot of issues with the sit mod. People have told me that it's Alt + E but that hasn't worked once and I've tried it numerous times. I searched extensively through the menus for a prop buddy system and didn't find one. Maybe it's hiding and I just haven't found it, but I'm fairly certain that it isn't there. 


I'd love to hear back from Sugar and have his input on these matters. The reasoning behind why he would or wouldn't implement some of these changes would be great.

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I'd also like to propose another rule change. I believe that any class that can kidnap should be punished for repeatedly kidnapping the same person over and over again. It's frustrating when you're kidnapped for 30 seconds every two minutes, and lost anything in your inventory. Like mugging or raiding, you're not supposed to hit the same person/base over and over again. Why is it any different when it comes to kidnapping?

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I don't believe FPS would be an issue if the more demanding Wiremod entities are blacklisted. Regardless, FPS in Gmod already sucks a lot. I don't think  Wiremod is going to be a huge issue if it's added. I do still think that the printer system should be redone though. Like I said, having to micromanage them can be frustrating. I've also had a lot of issues with the sit mod. People have told me that it's Alt + E but that hasn't worked once and I've tried it numerous times. I searched extensively through the menus for a prop buddy system and didn't find one. Maybe it's hiding and I just haven't found it, but I'm fairly certain that it isn't there. 


I'd love to hear back from Sugar and have his input on these matters. The reasoning behind why he would or wouldn't implement some of these changes would be great.


Wiremod has a lot of issues and is not sustainable on a larger server. It requires a massive amount of resources on both the server and the client to function properly and not to mention all of the ways it can crash the server which leaves a lot of the tools restricted. Its just not possible


You don't really have to micromanage your printer too much. If it's at full battery then it lasts anywhere from 10 - 15 minutes. I can make a way for you to super charge it or something that you can craft. Say for x amount of prints it doesn't consume a battery charge


We do have a prop buddy system. It's through the Q menu and then you can enable who goes on it except I think you have to use the C menu to actually enable it. I can take a look into it


I'd also like to propose another rule change. I believe that any class that can kidnap should be punished for repeatedly kidnapping the same person over and over again. It's frustrating when you're kidnapped for 30 seconds every two minutes, and lost anything in your inventory. Like mugging or raiding, you're not supposed to hit the same person/base over and over again. Why is it any different when it comes to kidnapping?


You shouldn't be able to be kidnapped after you're kidnapped once for 2 - 3 minutes. I can up the time for that though

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Make the notification to the CP about how they can't participate in the revolt bigger. Like make it cover their screen for 5 seconds after they die. Play a sound. Play a voice recording. Ban them from the server for 24h with "You died in the revolt and can no longer participate. Do NOT kill any red people."


I bet you they would still come back online and kill reds.

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Make the notification to the CP about how they can't participate in the revolt bigger. Like make it cover their screen for 5 seconds after they die. Play a sound. Play a voice recording. Ban them from the server for 24h with "You died in the revolt and can no longer participate. Do NOT kill any red people."


I bet you they would still come back online and kill reds.



I do think the like a screen for 5 seconds when they die saying don't kill reds would be really good. I mean I feel like that is one of the biggest problems on the server as of right now with cops coming back to kill revolters when they died...

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Make the notification to the CP about how they can't participate in the revolt bigger. Like make it cover their screen for 5 seconds after they die. Play a sound. Play a voice recording. Ban them from the server for 24h with "You died in the revolt and can no longer participate. Do NOT kill any red people."


I bet you they would still come back online and kill reds.



I do think the like a screen for 5 seconds when they die saying don't kill reds would be really good. I mean I feel like that is one of the biggest problems on the server as of right now with cops coming back to kill revolters when they died...



Simple solution. If you die in a revolt it acts as if you've kidnapped. You can't do ANYTHING until the revolt is over

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