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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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You should add wiremod, although there are  a lot of abuseable things I love wiremod and I love your server


I thought I saw this suggestion before?


Wiremod is very expensive to run, server performance is top priority and we need all the resources we can get to keep the server running.

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Well I say "if shot at first" because this gives the cops an opportunity to assert their authority and issue an order to drop the weapon, thus giving the person being raided a chance to comply before they're gunned down. 

Which brings the thought of whether police should be able to confiscate weapons from unlicensed users during a base raid or not. 


Lets face it, the majority of cp abuse their power heavily. This abuse has started the wheels turning in my head on how they can be nerfed a bit to make things and bit more fun for everyone



Your suggestion promote better roleplay, but lets face it(inb4 anaphora), how would one enforce such rule? Logs won't show the action of pulling out a gun, all it shows is damage and who shot first and die, and staff can't really get much information from that. The only "real" information that can be used in such a case is a recording, and from my knowledge and experience, not a lot of people in the server record their games due to it being resource intensive(I record my own game, and its like 30 fps in the fountain area. That is with a MSI laptop with gtx1060 on it.). So while your suggestion is great at first glance and could create better roleplay situations, it is nearly impossible for staff to enfoce it.


This is just my opinion on this matter.

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+1 warn system should be text-based. There is currently no evidence for people warning through voice. I have to say "theres no proof" and end the sit, which results in salt.


Each fading door is one. This is the current rule. Double fading door = 2 doors, triple = 3 doors. Any more than that is breaking the 3 fading doors rule. +1 to only allow double fading doors.

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There are plenty of other ways to make a virtually unraidable base without using stacked fd's. And all of these alternate ways follow the rules. Doubled fading doors just make it near impossible to lockpick, which in my opinion is unfair to all the classes who don't have access to keypad crackers, c4, or blowtorches (or cant afford them if there's a black market dealer on). I have legitimately heard a player say and I quote "well if I cant raid any of the big bases here whats the point of playing?" And while there are plenty of ways to have fun in the server I agree. About 70% of player interaction on the server is through raiding, so if people cant get on and raid to make money it ruins the fun for them and leaves them with a negative opinion of the server. (Obviously loss of players isn't an issue as we max out almost every day, but say 20 people tell their friends not to play the server because they were new and couldn't figure out how to raid, the those friends tell their friends. Its a potential loss of hundreds of new players over time.) 



If im way wrong or way off feel free to make this post dissapear but this is my two cents on the matter.

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Riot shield for few cps(cops classes) to make it easier for them to raid bases with one way props.



Allowing double fading doors is unique and forces a style of RP (go find a vendor and purchase this item so you can raid this base) that isn't a bad thing, but I definitely see what you mean. It'd be cool if keypad crackers could be made more widely available somehow.


just because they can't fund a keypad cracker doesn't mean we should nerf basing. once you get better at raiding the only real issue is pvp skill

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Riot shield for few cps(cops classes) to make it easier for them to raid bases with one way props.



Allowing double fading doors is unique and forces a style of RP (go find a vendor and purchase this item so you can raid this base) that isn't a bad thing, but I definitely see what you mean. It'd be cool if keypad crackers could be made more widely available somehow.


just because they can't fund a keypad cracker doesn't mean we should nerf basing. once you get better at raiding the only real issue is pvp skill



Its not really nerfing a base by disllowing double fading doors. Honestly having played raider classes exclusively before I got staff, double fading doors feel a bit cheaty. Especially when you get to the above arguement of whether a doubled or tripled fd equals more than one door. I love advanced basing, its fun to test your skill, but just like the post about disallowing one ways, this situation is about the same thing. If you have to purchase a c4 or some expensive tool to raid a base then what is the point

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Riot shield for few cps(cops classes) to make it easier for them to raid bases with one way props.



Allowing double fading doors is unique and forces a style of RP (go find a vendor and purchase this item so you can raid this base) that isn't a bad thing, but I definitely see what you mean. It'd be cool if keypad crackers could be made more widely available somehow.


just because they can't fund a keypad cracker doesn't mean we should nerf basing. once you get better at raiding the only real issue is pvp skill



Its not really nerfing a base by disllowing double fading doors. Honestly having played raider classes exclusively before I got staff, double fading doors feel a bit cheaty. Especially when you get to the above arguement of whether a doubled or tripled fd equals more than one door. I love advanced basing, its fun to test your skill, but just like the post about disallowing one ways, this situation is about the same thing. If you have to purchase a c4 or some expensive tool to raid a base then what is the point


hint: you don't *have* to. I solo raid all the time, try outsmarting them. catch them off guard. I mean it could be police tactics coming into play too but I think basing is pretty balanced already.

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