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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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There should be a craftable item (similar to alarms, printer sound reducers, etc) that upgrades pipes, making them fill barrels faster (even if only for a limited time, needing re-application later).

Also, it'd be nice if the pipe's barrel detection could be made a little nicer, to make automated barrel loaders a bit easier to build.


Edit: Additionally, can the General Buyer directly give you the money rather than dropping it on the floor? It's annoying to have to look over your shoulder for someone trying to steal the money.

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Ok real server suggestion at the highest priority. Removed the ability to use the psygun or tool gun and spawn any props or bring props into spawn.


To many people have been using this to get into the rooms in spawn and base there.


+1 for the no prop in spawn. 



If you see someone using props to get into the rooms in spawn, record or screenshot. They will get cuck.

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Disallow building barricades in the PD and other people's bases.


Terrible idea as long as you are not a minge with it like you were this morning. Putting down one or two barricades should be allowed when raiding. It is BS when you raid the PD and there is 6 cops and it is just you and your friend and you need time to heal each other as the cops flow in to kill you!

Job Name: Yandere



Spawns with:

               Knife becuz almost all yandere's use knife and its symbolic ex:Gasai yuno

               Elastic restraints To kidnap Senpai...well get to that later

                (Add or remove anything else, your choice)



Skin:Pretty much a anime girl. A better one would be a yandere girl. Ex: Gasai Yuno,etc...(search wikipedia for more yandere girls)


What can he/she do?


He calls in ADVERT something like:I declare my love to you,*playername* or whatever things he come up with , the target Is now known has: Senpai...

Then 2 thing happens: The senpai answers in advert: Yes, I think I love you too or no, I dont love you.



The Yes! Answer Rules:


If Yes:

Yandere follows ANY orders/request senpai says.Except the ones that makes yandere unable to be with senpai for more than 1 min

Yandere support ANY argument made by senpai. Ex:   Senpai: I HATE YOU *random user*, GIVE ME BACK MY MONEY ! Yandere cannot say: Stfu senpai hes my friend. Yandere HAS to support senpai in ANY means...

Yandere cannot leave senpai on his own, and by cannot I mean CANNOT.

Yandere MUST defend senpai.

Yandere doesnt have to call counter to protect senpai, AND ONLY SENPAI. Ex: a mugger try to pickpocket senpai,Yandere can kill the mugger without calling counter. and so on for raids,mug,etc... BUT HE CANT DO THIS FOR ANOTHER PERSON OTHER THAN SENPAI...

Yandere HATES competition, if someone tries to seduce, or gets too close to senpai, Yandere HAS to warn his target 1 TIME, AND NOT MORE.something like: GET AWAY FROM MY SENPAI, OR I WILL SLAY YOU. if the target doesnt go away/stop seducing,Yandere can advert: You touched my senpai, HES MINE DIEDIEDIEDIEDIE. then Yandere/target are KoS between them.



if senpai tells in advert something like:Im not in love with you anymore *YandereName*, get away from me! Yandere MUST follow the rules of the No! answer, which is next...


(If you want to add/remove anything else, do as you fit, but dont try to break the idea of the job thank you !)



The No answer rules:


If senpai answered no in advert, yandere MUST follow the following rules:

Yandere is heart-broken,runs AWAY from senpai, so after thinking about it (waiting 2 mins), he decides to kidnap senpai and slay him, then commit suicide, so they can be together forever. That means that Yandere MUST, and I repeat MUST, try to kidnap senpai, bring him home, and sacrifice him. Yandere has to call in advert: WE WILL BE TOGETHER FOREVER MY LOVE. or something alongs those lines. He has to wait the normal 1 min before killing senpai. After that being done, yandere MUST suicide.


Yandere doesnt have to call kidnap on senpai, BUT HE CANT KIDNAP ANYONE ELSE OTHER THAN SENPAI...(enforce these rules pls ^^)

Yandere CANNOT kill senpai for 10 mins,and senpai cannot kill yandere for the same amount of time, he can ONLY try to kidnap him, if after 10 mins the senpai is still free, Yandere enters a berserk state,which means that he can ONLY KILL SENPAI ONCE, AND ONLYYYY SENPAI, during this state, yandere IS AOS, not KoS. Senpai can KoS yandere to save himself...However, Yandere HAS to call in advert:IF YOU WONT SUICIDE WITH ME, I WILL KILL YOU FIRST, THEN MYSELF. or something along those lines to enter the beserk state.


If yandere dies during the No! state or the berserk state, Yandere forget everything about senpai, and has to wait a 10 min cooldown before falling in love with another senpai.If yandere succeed at killing senpai, he must wait 5 min after suiciding to fall in love aith another one. Yandere cant re-fall in love for 30 min with the same person.




General Rules:Yandere cannot Mug,raid or kidnap(he can kidnap senpai during the No!,Berserk State)

Yandere can base with senpai, NOT ALONE

Yandere cannot have printers

Yandere can counter anything, but has to advert it in chat. EXCEPT FOR ANYTHING DONE TO SENPAI.




Why should this job be added? Because I think the server needs a job that is more socially aggressive, by adding this job a lot of stuff is gonna happen and its forcing events to happen.


Gives also A LOT MORE of Roleplaying in the server, like Yandere should REALLY act like one.


Because your a yandere geez its awesome !



Who should be able to play this job?


I think VIP should be the minimum, because if we give this job to Normal user some people are

1.gonna abuse kidnap on random people

2.User tends to not read motd, and this job HAS A LOOOOOT OF RULES TO FOLLOW


I think this concludes everything about yandere job, feel free to add/remove/change anything. As long as it dont breaks the idea of being madly in love with someone ^^


Please, this is my first job idea, dont be harsh on me with feedbacks, If this job is getting added, I wil try to make another cool job :)


So yeah, I hope this job is getting added so I will be able to declare my feelings to erston's wink wink



PS: Sorry for my terrible english, still trying to learn this language :)


+1 Lets do it!

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Add a radio host or a certain job that can spawn radios because with all these ear slap songs you cant hear nothing and make a ability to lower the volume of the radio for u if u dont own it or for everyone if u own it

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