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random weapon checks

Wilhelm Panderino

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Bad/punishable laws
         -Cops can randomly cuff/stun-gun/etc. to check for weapons/bounty/etc.
Does this include using a weapon checker to randomly check players for guns? hence the Etc part, a weapon checker is a swep that must be used on a player similar to cuffs and stun gun. I was told random weapon checks is NOT covered under this rule. The 3+ years ive played this server, random weapon checks have never been allowed under this rule

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I would only say it's allowed if you are entering an authorized area like going past a police checkpoint or entering PD/dence areas just to make sure you have a license for the firearm you are holding. Like by default i'ld say it's chilling if you're holding out an AR-15 it would only make sense someone would be suspicious of whether or not your are licensed to possess that firearm. It's more of a matter of it not being detaining and still being within RP without making it un fun like randomly cuffing to check for bounties is not good RP and it's retarded and it's tedious to be stunned by something that does damage. I wouldn't say it's allowed to just check EVERYONE outside of police checkpoints unless you explicitely made it a law otherwise i'ld say like you said it does fall under that category 

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the reason i ask is because a mayor added a law -Random weapon checks allowed. The senior mod on duty said it was allowed, does that rule not apply to random weapon checks? 

Bad/punishable laws
         -Cops can randomly cuff/stun-gun/etc. to check for weapons/bounty/etc.


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I wouldn't say this includes weapon checkers but this rule is poorly worded so I can see the confusion. The way I read the rule is you cannot cuff people or stun them for the sole purpose of checking for illegal weapons. I may be wrong, but I know random checkpoints have always been a thing as they can be fun and promote roleplay. What does not promote roleplay is randomly running around a crowd of people and using the weapon checker on them. I think if used properly the weapon checker is a good tool to have as CP. 

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4 hours ago, Rubik said:

I wouldn't say this includes weapon checkers but this rule is poorly worded so I can see the confusion. The way I read the rule is you cannot cuff people or stun them for the sole purpose of checking for illegal weapons. I may be wrong, but I know random checkpoints have always been a thing as they can be fun and promote roleplay. What does not promote roleplay is randomly running around a crowd of people and using the weapon checker on them. I think if used properly the weapon checker is a good tool to have as CP. 

Cops running around and checking crowds of people was exactly what was happening with the law in place, Cp checkpoints or inside pd i'd definitely see as a good Rp reason to check for illegal shit but simply having the law random weapon checks does not promote good roleplay imo

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I’ve always rp as a cop. Correct me if I’m wrong. You can’t make a law to randomly weapon check without a valid rp reasoning such check point. 911 call upon a victim that claimed they had a weapon or in PD. Randomly checking people would define as FailRP. Giving an example here. That’s like if a cop in rl just went up to someone and arrest them cause they just wanted too.

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