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Picolas Cage Train Spawns


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In order to prevent picolas cage from being able to raid in any way with the train, either of the following solutions could be implemented:

  1. Instead of picking a target, it would spawn a train on a random player. Along with this, the price of it should probably be reduced back to 50 since it's no longer so OP
  2. Instead of picking a player as a target, you can pick from a list of common areas such as:
    • Fountain
    • Beach
    • Outside PD
    • Strip Club
    • Kings Land
    • Bank Lobby
    • And more...
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Also, some questions I asked in Discord but never got an answer to that are relevant to the suggestion.
1. Is "no summoning for raiding" because Pickle can't raid or because we can't use them to raid? The MOTD specifies putting them inside IS a raid but calls it out "Since Picolas Cage is a job defined to not be permitted to raid"
2.  If we can't use fished thomas to raid, can we use them to defend? Can we use them to defend as pickle as well?
3. What about after I die in a raid?
4. What if I just teleport them to me with the statue to end their raid?
5. Can I get someone else to teleport them to the statue a la killing the mayor? That would end their raid due to leaving the base and I didn't interact with the statue.

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28 minutes ago, Walter the Assaulter said:

1. Is "no summoning for raiding" because Pickle can't raid or because we can't use them to raid? The MOTD specifies putting them inside IS a raid but calls it out "Since Picolas Cage is a job defined to not be permitted to raid"

This is for the reason of, what I believe is you spawn a train inside someones base, then your friends immedientally rush in giving them the advantage of the easiest raid of their life

29 minutes ago, Walter the Assaulter said:

2.  If we can't use fished thomas to raid, can we use them to defend? Can we use them to defend as pickle as well?

I think the rule should be reworded to "You can't use a thomas IN a raid" Defenders and raiders can not use them to their advantage.

issue 3 just would be prob nlr or natural event

30 minutes ago, Walter the Assaulter said:

4. What if I just teleport them to me with the statue to end their raid?

getting teleported is a natural event or smth i think so u can continue raid


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Its actually at a pretty good spot right now, you can't really raid with the train since 1: you can come back since you died to the train which is a natural event and 2: you can't carry a thomas to a base train it and when you go in to raid after the basers have been killed call a sit for nlr breaking because they died to a thomas not you. Overall its just really against both raider/defender to use the train as a means to end a raid/make raiding easier since the person who got trained can just come back and kill you with probably more hp etc.

As for walter, carelos kind of answered most of your questions but i'll elaborate for you 
1: picolas itself can't raid you can just see so in the job description page. if you train someone you are just spawning a train by them which might kill them. You also can't really use them for a raid since if say your party member is raiding a base and you in the party trains he base you are raiding well 1: you probably lost a shit ton of fucking entities due to the explosion, and 2: the defenders can come back and kill the raiders from behind their backs
2: honestly its probably both ways and the raider can just come back unless im mistaken 
3:i dont really know what u mean "after you die in a raid" unless you mean like a picolas cage defended a base they are in a party/on doors to with a train prob refer to my 2nd answer and again unless im wrong
4: carelos already answered this but if you teleport them they can just come and continue their raid
5: If someone else teleported the mayor during a guys pd raid then its really toughluck for the pd raider and if the pd bank is unable to be raided they might as well just leave. however in a revolt this really wouldn't matter since you can just still find him.

so basically picolas cage training just know people who would train your base since most new players won't / cant afford it its just p normal its not like too crazy things have been happening with the train. it's a monkey sink for rich players who can afford that much cereal or people who can wake up at the morning and farm cereal a lot and mass rdm legally.  -1

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6 hours ago, ajax5206 said:

I disagree that raiding with the train is as big of a problem as implied

I was told you extort people by threatening to train them while they're in their base, so I'm not sure that statement is exactly true.


Also I was online when you spawned a train on fuel, then said "after a train sometimes comes a raid" or something like that.

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@Slick Yeah people do train bases but you just gotta know who would and it sucks if your base does get trained but more than enough times when i based and someone that me and my friends knew would train us we would just stay away from the base. What ajax said about "after a train sometimes comes a raid" is sometimes true but its really against the raider since the defender is at spawn with enough time in the world to come back and say snipe/kill the raider since the train killed the baser.

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