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cops able to raid bases without a warrant

Wilhelm Panderino

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I made a sit on a guy for coming into my base and arresting me without getting a warrant. His reason for entering was the fact that i made a 911 call saying i will execute the CP unless they pay the ransom. Jewann claimed that there are instances where Cp can raid without a warrant. What are these instances? I see nothing in MOTD regarding this other than that its Fail Rp for a CP to raid a base without a warrant.



Cops require a valid warrant in order to raid a base. Raiding a base without a warrant is FailRP.


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Well if you made a 911 call saying " your going to execute a cp unless they pay a ransom" is a valid reason for them to enter your base . Because you are attempting to kill a cp .  So why would should they need a warrant to arrest you .  Thats my opinion on it .  I would agree with the staff members claim . 

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hecko @Wilhelm Panderino

As a player that always plays a cp, I can say that if a player makes a 911 call claiming you execute someone a search warrant should be played instantly. However, normally a cp shouldn’t be entering a base without a warrant unless it’s just wide open but I honestly would of done the same thing in a tight situation. Overall You shouldn’t make false claims if you don’t wanna get taken out by the police. 

Edited by nanights
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1 hour ago, Cobaselic said:

Walking in and arresting you isn't raiding without a warrant. Raiding is using the battering ram to bust your door down, arresting you, and destroying any entities you have. 

Definition of Raiding: Having the intent to invade another person's home. Whether you're being harmful or not, trespassing someone else's house should be considered a raid.
You used to be staff..lol

So what youre saying, this rule doesnt apply to CP? Or is it that you just didnt know this rule existed, makes me wonder how many false warns and bans you gave out..

Edited by Wilhelm Panderino
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1 hour ago, nanights said:

hecko @Wilhelm Panderino

As a player that always plays a cp, I can say that if a player makes a 911 call claiming you execute someone a search warrant should be played instantly. However, normally a cp shouldn’t be entering a base without a warrant unless it’s just wide open but I honestly would of done the same thing in a tight situation. Overall You shouldn’t make false claims if you don’t wanna get taken out by the police. 

My question in the OP was, what circumstances allow CP to raid a base without a warrant? A 911 call means cp can enter your base and kill everyone inside is what youre saying? Damn i might start playing CP

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We allow cops to "raid" without warrant if there are good reasons for it, up to/including shooting at CP/Civilians from the base, kidnapping someone and running into your base in view of the cops, leaving your front door open while committing crimes etc. It varies from situation to situation, and as for this one, I would consider threatening the life of a police officer to be a good reason for police to raid without waiting for a warrant. 

Edited by The Herbalist
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16 hours ago, Cobaselic said:

 1. You called 9-11 saying you were gonna kill a cop.

2. You left your door open, they walked in and arrested you for threatening to kill a cop.


You right mayne, I used to be staff. And as a former staff member, I don't see anything wrong here. You're just being a b a b y 😕

I had a dupe down lol, learn the rules bub, not my fault they are too hard to follow for some people.

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19 hours ago, The Herbalist said:

We allow cops to "raid" without warrant if there are good reasons for it, up to/including shooting at CP/Civilians from the base, kidnapping someone and running into your base in view of the cops, leaving your front door open while committing crimes etc. It varies from situation to situation, and as for this one, I would consider threatening the life of a police officer to be a good reason for police to raid without waiting for a warrant. 

Maybe that should be added to the MOTD as i see nothing in there regarding this, youve been here (in the community) a while and im sure you remember the server being played this way for a long time until the rule i quoted above was added. What this sounds like to me is people have to just guess what is allowed and whats not allowed considering we turn a blind eye to some of the rules written depending on circumstances which are only "known" by certain people who barely even play on the server.

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