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Suggestions and then an Idea

Lil' Pudin' Taters

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I know I don't use the forum very often and have never even made an introductory post so here it is. Hi, I am Lil' Pudin' Taters; almost everything that is not tied to me in real life also goes by Lil' Pudin' Taters. I am a huge weeb and have used TitsRP as a cure for my boredom during this pandemic and will probably use the server for more enjoyment after the pandemic is over.


Formalities over, I have a couple of suggestions and then an idea.


Suggestion 1:

Could the Kissing swep duration be made shorter? The kissing swep is meant to be  funny, but what infuriates me, and possibly others, is that the duration of it seems very long and during the swep, nothing can be done other than just wait. If the swep were shorter, the Alien who is usually using the swep still gets his experience for using it, the victim isn't as annoyed for waiting so long, and both the Alien and victim can now do other things sooner.


Suggestion 2:

I would like to see the ability for Jaywalking laws to be removed. I understand the law really lets CPs basically non-stop arrest people, get money, and feel empowered but my counter argument is that the law itself is extremely unfriendly to new players. I have been playing for over 100 hours now and have conditioned myself to use crosswalks and such, however newer players are not conditioned that way. I one time had 2 of my friends come and play the server for what would be their first time, only for them to be stopped and arrested immediately as they entered downtown for jaywalking. Those 2 friends have since never played on TitsRP.


Suggestion 3:

I understand I'm the minority by playing in a resolution lower than 1920x1080, but the opening screen to the server is not friendly to anyone who has a small resolution in terms of communicating the rules (see image). My preferred resolution for gmod is 1600x900 and the first sit I got "invited" to as the suspect, I legitimately had to ask the moderator where the rules were, because the opening screen where the rules were located had almost no obvious indication for me that this was rules screen other than 2 areas of small text stating "rules" as seen in the image. Nothing on screen tells me as the player to scroll down or look into this screen further. This problem would be so simply fixed if that this rule screen were to remove the gif of the Raccoon eating just so that the important text below can be more visible as the text would be bumped up to where the image would have been.



Finally, I have an idea:

What if there were a CP role called "Internal Affairs Officer". The goal of this role would be to crack down on CPs that are not following the mayor's orders or enforcing the mayor's laws.

-This role would be only be available to whichever CP the mayor assigns to have this additional role. In a sense this would be a normal CP but with additional responsibilities.

-The role would be given the additional ability to suggest demotions to the mayor directly and if the mayor chooses, the CP who has this role may be kept secret and not displayed publicly to anyone.

-The Internal Affairs Officer would have the additional ability to immediately demote the Mayor's Assassin and can also see which CP is the secretly the Mayor's Assassin (Like the CP who is the Mayor's Assassin would glow lightly when viewed by the IAO)

-The IAO would be able to remove the cop role from CC's for a period of time (30mins as a suggestion) if the IAO finds the cop CC player not following cop duties.


Thank you for reading my essay of suggestions and ideas.

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+1 for suggestion 1 and 2, lowkey would be heavily disappointed to lose the racoon gif, and suggestion 4 is cool except for having the mayor's assassin glow, that's not nessecary in my opinion as there's already many methods to detect him.

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Simply moving the raccoon to the bottom like how Voltz suggested would work well too.


I know getting support on the Jaywalking thing probably won't happen, but I thought I'd put the point of saying it's definitely not friendly to new players out there.


I appreciate the replies, nonetheless.

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