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United Syndicate of TitsRP

Don Macaroni

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I'm glad you bring this up. We will not allow every gang into the Syndicate. Gangs such as Damnation and USN are already blacklisted and will be denied membership. On top of that, raiding is only a small part of the titrp experience. Myself and others believe there is much more to be gained from good rp and community.


W boys damnation popping off. USN is also his own gang now.


What we do tho

Damnation was blacklisted per the request of current member organizations.



Rolex making some very important decisions out here. Damnations got more active members then rolex and we only got 4  :LUL:

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Versace is backing out of this for now (Unless my officers want to vote back in). There's no point in unifying gangs. A gangs purpose is to strive together and to reach #1.



I disagree. It's time for a selfless contribution to the betterment of the TitsRP community. The best way to do this is to come together as a collective initiative to achieve this. But to each their own.

If we want to come together as one then why don't we just disband ALL of our gangs and unify as one? I haven't seen you guys do that yet. Gangs are here for a reason, gangs are referred to as a criminal organization. You're supposed to make money by raiding off other gang members. I haven't seen Rolex members on at all compared to Damnation members. More Damnation members (with less members) are more active than Rolex. It just looks like a complete power grab for me if you're making shots like this.

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i'd offer to let my lvl 70, 134 member gang 'Cool Dudes' join but we never take anything seriously on the server so maybe that's a bad idea


I mean, hey, the Dons are in this. How bad could it be eh? If you want to have a meeting with the leadership I'm certain we could have a very fruitful discussion. Discord; Don Macaroni#5346 . . .I look forward to hearing from you!


As for some of these concerns I've been reading. There seems to be this idea that "muh gang can't team up with other gang because RaIdinG! Bbbut mu lvl 70 gang has to be the best all by its lonesome." While I understand that way of thinking, and can see where you are coming from. I have to implore nothing is set in stone, and the "every gang for themselves" outlook seems very lonely and in my opinion, just following the status quo. If you're genuinely concerned about your gang being "#1." Why wouldn't you make alliances, nurture relationships, and build networks. And to remind people again, this organization isn't limited to only gangs, but to any group or organization that calls titrp their home.

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