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I dont think raiding is in a good spot


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Problems in my opinion:

1. Gravity gun fling working on everyone makes it a must have talent for raiding

2. Basers can use models that have broken or small hitboxes which introduces alot of problems

3. Recent change to make c4 obey line of sight makes it very underpowered in terms of radius

4. material bombs are STILL bugged/have an issue with the perk that gives a chance to not remove on props making them heavily underused

5. gun jam STILL has a bug where it heavily reduces damage that you deal when you have it 

6. Toxic strategies such as using a "dont raid my friend or i kill you" 0.2 sec before shooting people is still being used and overlooked


These are in my opinion some of the large issues with the basing/raiding dichotomy that makes it unfun and too much tilted to the basers advantage.


The first thing i would look at fixing if it was me is to increase the radius of c4 to make up for the line of sight change, make gravity gun launching only for weird and stupid jobs like its supposed to be beacuse its an unskilled way of raiding thats unfun for both parties and of course fix the bug of material bombs not removing remotely close to the correct amount on peoples props and materials who have the perk.


Medium priority in my opinion would be the gun jam bug that makes you deal way less damage because talismans arent used as much as c4, timebomb and other raiding tools. Something to also mention is that there is a higher prevelance of legendary guns due to lootboxes which has an inherent advantage to someone inside a base behind cover


lowest priority problems in my opinion are the dont raid my friend bind and other strategies such as metagaming making raiding unfun and broken models being allowed to use while basing. While these problems are very important in my opinion i dont think they have as obvious of a fix and require more time and community input to get a viable solution to



If i wanted to tryhard farm money at the moment i would be basing and buying peoples entities without a doubt in my mind because raiding is not only hard but is confined to a very specific playstyle to have any effect making building a base to counter that playstyle very easy. Also as I said before the gameplay of raiding at the moment is very unfun and has very little variety of what you can actually do to win a raid.

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Basers can use models that have broken or small hitboxes which introduces alot of problems


This one I've never understand. People who use broken models can just push out with a lot more opportunities then the raider can and they're 10x harder to hit and you have a like 30% chance for the hits to actually reg when you put their model hitbox and the 16 tick server into perspective. This essentially just gives like the roblox models and models similar a greater advantage in the fight.


Toxic strategies such as using a "dont raid my friend or i kill you" 0.2 sec before shooting people is still being used and overlooked

This one is super common. I'll be raiding someone and there's like 3 people on the doors and 6 people come flying around the corner. Personally, I believe they should remove party slots from suga shop as it just makes that super overpowered or do a on the FRONT doors or you cant defend type of a deal


In my opinion, they nerf raiding and basing from peoples opinions when the people who complain haven't based since the day they first joined. For example, you don't go around asking a 5th grader for car advice, when you can ask a car mechanic.

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So here’s the problem with going back in time before any of these changes happened.


We had literally 1-2 bases going at any specific time where literally these 2 bases had over 100+ processors let alone printers and other things.


C4 went through walls.


Small food was broken.


Speed food was broken.


Beastial potions imo is broken. 


As someone who bases. It’s sad to see a lonely baby headed meth cook get his shit kicked in by a cc that’s small, invisible and is using C4 running around with a legendary Jugg mini gun.


Thats STILL where we’re at with the meta. So how do we fix this so that new players at the very least stand a chance against the old players.


We fixed basing so that the economy isn’t destroyed. We fixed C4. What is best for the select few isn’t what’s best for the server. 


Now Piklas there is 2 things I do agree with you on. Take away the junk launcher perk. Either give it to all players by default or just the specific jobs you listed.


And the small models basing thing. It’s shitty. You get a small model with let’s say 15 health or someone who’s basing as Chucky with 50. You get a soul swep and boom 200 hp just because you’re able to spend 15 mil on a single swep. Imo it’s bullshit and shouldn’t be allowed. So those 2 things I’m +1 on. Everything else I’m a no go

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1. yeah gang talents should be a preference that caters a gang to be more efficient in a field,

    not something basically required to do a certain task, ie raiding in this case,

    junk launcher should be changed to be default or a player level perk.


2. small models are just a general problem at this point, in ANY pvp situation,

    the person with the smaller model has a hefty advantage,

    and i personally think even with the health debuff the smaller model still has a bigger advantage,

    not only are they ways harder to hit, inaccurate hitboxes, and near impossible headshots. 

    i dont know what to suggest to improve upon this but tjis is definately a problem.


3. dont really have a solid opinion on this since i have not used the new c4 yet,

    but from what ive read i think the current c4 and makeshift timebomb is just slightly below average;

    that could use a slight radius buff.


4, 5. bugs that should be fixed.


6. i agree with carelos on this, i think the suga shop extra party slots should be removed,

    fighting with a full party with that perk is just overkill and a complete clusterfuck,

    a 6v6 is already chaotic, more party members on the enemy just discourage

    raiding with less than 6 people, and give a natural disadvantage to those who dont have the perk.

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1. Junk launcher's purpose was to be used to fling props around at enemies, it wasn't supposed to be a meta defining talent so I will blacklist it from flinging C4's and Timebombs. I also see it is a bug that anyone can use Junk Launcher as only weird / stupid jobs are supposed to use it

2. Small models and or broken models will be heavily destroyed. I am planning to prevent them from functionally basing, equivalently removing them from the server as people start swapping the models out

3. C4 still has a reduced price which people complained about so I think that as of right now, it's pretty balanced. I will await more feedback on that

4. I made the % chance from 15% -> 1% for the next reset

5. People thought gun jam was too powerful and too defining. I responded to this before and it was reworded to say what it actually does "People you shoot cant hurt you but take 30% less damage"

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