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In the defense of tyranny and myself, JEWWORLD

Super America

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The first time I joined this server, in the summer of 2018, the first job I picked was Judge Gabe. I made a makeshift public execution chamber near the fountain, and I would cuff random people and drag them into a cage. I would hold public trials and accuse them of crimes they didn't commit and then murdered them. Obviously, I was banned for 7 days for MRDM, but from that point on I fell in love with TitsRP.


After my 7 day ban was lifted I rejoined and played exclusively CP. I read the MOTD and learned the ins and outs of the rules and, for the most part, I've followed server rules very strictly since then. I would hunt for bounties and enforce 'bad laws from bad mayors' almost exclusively. I think as many of you know, the rest is history.


From my many hours on TitsRP, I believe the most fun times on the server is when there is a strict and 'unfair mayor', with J-walking laws, Swep laws, etc etc. Now, before you yell and scream at me, call me a minge or whatever, hear me out.


When there is an unfair Mayor, the server joins together. They form a common hatred for the Mayor, and the server essentially becomes a CP vs Citizen server. The people will PD raid, Revolt, do anything they can do kill said Mayor. It is a constant tug of war between the people and the police. In my experiences, I have really enjoyed defending PD from raiders, and I imagine that atleast some of the raiders enjoyed the raid aswell.  I know many of you are upset with what I do, the constant handcuffing and fining, but I find enjoyment in that. It's a challenge for me, especially when I am fighting against CCs. I think it is good PVP.


Recently, I have been playing Mayor. I've found myself with a loyal PD fanbase of people, which is why I am sometimes able to win elections.  Many people on the server have a severe hatred for me, they call me a minge, egotiscal, bad mayor, etc. The evidence for this is my -24 rep as of right now and always being yelled at in OOC. Some people have even advocated for a permanent ban for me from CP and Mayor.  My counterpoint is that, I believe my laws and my style of play causes conflict. Good conflict, like a struggle of sorts. Revolutionaries vs the Old guard.



My question to you, the TitsRP community, why so much hatred? Do you agree with my statements? How do you feel about tyrannical mayors?


Extra note: When I change my name to Lord Jewworld or advertise those cringy 'I have brought peace to these lands!' and all that, those are all Star Wars references, not some strange ego-freak out like many have accused me of.

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People hate you because nobody knows how to PD raid correctly and when they pd raid in front of the pd and get killed by like 3 people watching their own unique dupes they cry about you in ooc. Then they revolt but dont become revolt leaders, letting random people be it and when the random person inevitably dies in the revolt (because they don't know how to revolt) they get even more mad at you. Or someone just buys you out using sugashop.

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The thing is, raiding is not the style of some people. You are ruining the experience of people who just want to play without getting fined/arrested every 5 seconds. Your cops literally arrest me while I was trying to tell another cop that "you cant want someone after finding them". They didn't even have a reason. If you check your cops then you'll see most of them use the tiniest bit of wrong to fine/arrest people. Some people doesn't want to PD raid and some people can't due to lack of equipment. My point is that you are "making a good conflict with the citizens vs cops" only for people who have like 100 C4s and stuff. Making the server an absolute heck for casual players and new players. Also it shouldn't be citizens vs cops anyways. Is that how real life works? No. Job of a cop is protect the citizens and making sure they dont revolt. Not overwhelming the citizens and forcing them to revolt

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The thing is, raiding is not the style of some people. You are ruining the experience of people who just want to play without getting fined/arrested every 5 seconds. Your cops literally arrest me while I was trying to tell another cop that "you cant want someone after finding them". They didn't even have a reason. If you check your cops then you'll see most of them use the tiniest bit of wrong to fine/arrest people. Some people doesn't want to PD raid and some people can't due to lack of equipment. My point is that you are "making a good conflict with the citizens vs cops" only for people who have like 100 C4s and stuff. Making the server an absolute heck for casual players and new players. Also it shouldn't be citizens vs cops anyways. Is that how real life works? No. Job of a cop is protect the citizens and making sure they dont revolt. Not overwhelming the citizens and forcing them to revolt


I agree with some of what you are saying. I understand the police who like enforcing my laws can be harsh sometimes, but I'd like you to think about this:

Let's say a new player joins the server and wants to start making money with printers or processors or whatever. CPs almost exclusively patrol the fountain and main city area and rarely raid bases outside the heart of the city. If new players or otherwise do not want to be harassed, they can simply post up in a different district of the map.


Also, your point of 'this how real life works' is quite frankly very false. Maybe in the United States and other western nations police protect and serve, but in the dozens of totalitarian nations or otherwise undemocratic places on Earth, it can very much been seen as a 'Police State' or 'Police vs the People'

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I actually think what JEWWORLD is doing adds a lot to MY RP experience, I am not one to pick fights all the time unless I or my property is attacked but I do like to be a cop OR fight cops from time to time. I've met JEWWORLD from the other side of the PD glass and while he does have very harsh laws that can be abused by CP, he really knows how to actually mayor and does all the things that a mayor should do. I've seen him pardon folk for smaller crimes, fire cp for doing dumb shit near him (rarely I might add but still), and focus on only enforcing his laws with an iron fist (good RP). Compared to other mayors who either AFK, ignore the complaints of shitty cops, or just flat out RDA, he is of a higher cut. I really hope people understand that this is a game after all and he is just adding a bit of challenge to it that us, the citizens of TitsRP, must band together to overcome. That is my take on this whole "JEWWORLD is an annoying minge argument" and I hope others start to see it my way.

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JEWWORLD I love the fact you have created such a different RP experience than other servers. Instead of everyone getting mad, why don't you form together to either revolt or join the CP? When he becomes mayor I instantly join my cop CC because it's so much fun defending the constant revolts!

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The only thing you need to change in my eyes to go from a terrible mayor who makes it not fun to play to one that i could enjoy resisting is stopping the jaywalking laws. sidewalks jsut are not large enough for everyone to use, without sweps, jaywalking laws can make it physically impossible to get to where you need to go.

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