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Welp. Shit.


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So the HUGE update to TitsRP...

What I think of it: What the fuck mate.


What others think of it: What the fuck mate.

I get EXTREMELY good performance on the map for some weird ass reason (Better then the last map) and thats a good


thing. BUT the fact that 90% of EVERYONE on the server lost all their cash and if they did store their cash, they will


have it removed and everyone is going to need to work for it again, and that is going to suck badly since I spent so


much time getting millions of dollars (And everyone else). and the NPC hunting so you can go be that type of job...


Shit again. Im sleepy right now so you may be like "The fuck is this kid talking about". Love you m8s.

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Ill use this thread to post my opinion about ONE thing.







The swap cooldown to cycle throught inventory is painful, everybody wants to get rid of it.





Oh and I dont think re-farming is a bad thing, it gives us stuff to do instead of idling and wondering about what to do.




Working>Idling and killing each other for no reason at all

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Yes, welcome to the first day of a huge update that legit changes how the whole game is played.


Welcome to the many hours of broken content and things that require people like you to test them out so I can fix them


Welcome to the many amounts of complaints that will be occurring for the next week.


I appreciate feedback but saying "this update sucks" it doesn't really help. Don't get me wrong, I knew people were going to be upset about the money reset and the optional bank wipe. No one is going to agree to having their money reset. Except, it had to be done. People were getting killed on joining and then people were taking their money and DCing. In hindsight, this was 100% solvable but also the economy changed 200% in terms of how you make cash so it's definitely a good experiment to see what needs a buff and what doesn't.


This update is something new. Hopefully something that will be refreshing down the line. As of right now, I Know that it may be chaotic in finding x y and z but the wiki will be updated soon. I don't have time today, tomorrow or the next day to do anything but after that it's free reign. Posting bug reports / exploits and CONSTRUCTIVE feedback is the best way to get changes to happen.


For you Neko, I talked to Gazooks and Erston about this. Erston hate the weapon switching because he has 300000 weapons to switch to, just like you. Gazooks and I love it. It's legit the only downside I can think of to having a custom class that large. Everyone that doesn't like the weapon switching are the people with bigger classes. And for what ever ungodly reason you guys need to switch weapons every 2 seconds is still unknown. I think it offers a suspenseful element to the game along with some kind of balancing element but maybe you guys will learn to like it.


If not, we can definitely find some kind of middle to agree on.

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Idk if this is the right thread to suggest stuff but maybe you Caan add a SWEP to deposit or withdraw money on the go


The point of the bank is so that if you have money on you then you can get mugged and drop it. If you had something to deposit money into then you could get mugged and then during the mugging you could deposit it all and then die and loose nothing. The point of this update is so that you are afraid to die.

Oh god, please add ammo back...


There is a ammo vendor that sells ammo for a high price or you can craft it for a cheap price but will take you a minute or two.

Sugar said that police should have ammo so he is going to add in a npc that checks if you are part of the pd and then sell you discount ammo.

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