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Getting locked into sits


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Can we have a talk about holding people in sits until a conclusion is reached?


I just lost several hours worth of meth farming and my best legendary jugg minigun due to not being allowed to leave an NLR sit that didn't even require further input from me, as there was already an admission of breaking NLR from the offending party.


A test raid was started by another staffer while I was trapped in flatgrass after a sit was called for suspected head-glitching (determined to not be the case, I believe) by the partner of the guy that broke NLR. I got to hang back and watch the raid through my camera for several minutes, being told "nah cant do that" when I asked if I could be returned to defend my stuff. I asked in OOC if they could chill until my sit was finished, but it went unnoticed.


By the time my sit was concluded, my base was broken into and I was returned stuck into a prop, where I was immediately killed and a shitload of investment was lost without reason and through no fault of my own.


I don't think it was any one person's fault, but fuckery like this, losing an entire session's worth of work and then some through administrative process alone with no real compensation possible is really not a good look, and I'd like to start a dialogue on the practice of holding people that report rule-breakers hostage.

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here is how I see it the staff member did nothing wrong but its shitty not to let him leave to defend his stuff just one of those things thats up to the staff


but if your involved in a sit they can keep you there

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Why have that much meth on you in the first place? Like I get having 2-3 shipments on you but several hours is asinine.



A bit off point, but on the rare occasion I decide to shack up and base I tend to go semi-afk while getting RL shit done. I only had a scant few free hours between work shifts, and figured I'd just turn in before logging off to go to bed. My base builds are pretty secure, and I'm pretty on the ball when it comes to active defense-- bonus nachos, this place had two well-defended entrances, so I could just pack up and run away if I started getting worried about a raider succeeding. 


I figured the only way I'd lose the meth I'd accumulated over this period would be due to either a sudden power outage or if I called a sit only to get needlessly stranded in sitland while another moderator test raided my base in my absence all coming to an end with me getting returned, powerless, into the middle of a prop right in front of the test-raiding moderator.


At the time, I thought either scenario had pretty close to a 0% chance of going down but boy did I learn my lesson. 


Back on topic, this has less to do with what was lost and more to do with preventing situations like this from happening in the future.

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Yeah, I know this discussion is about me holding you during an NLR sit. I was just doing my job and finishing the sit. Sorry you lost your stuff but I needed you to stay until the person was warned.

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Yeah, I know this discussion is about me holding you during an NLR sit. I was just doing my job and finishing the sit. Sorry you lost your stuff


Absolutely-- and lemme just clear the air, I'm not at all miffed with any of the staff members involved, you folks were just doing your staff thing and that's great.



but I needed you to stay until the person was warned.


I'm struggling to understand the "why" of this bit right here in general, not specific to you and our case, but in general. Especially when something urgent that involved the whole reason I logged in that night was going down.


'Cause ngl, I'm going to have a really hard time bringing myself to bother @reporting rulebreakers anymore if it means potentially giving my base away to any vulture that pays attention to who gets TP'd away for a sit in chat.

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why would it be needed to “test raid” for head glitch that’s just dumb. Go in. Check the head glitch with the base owner walking through. Then boom. But even then. Send the guy back. No reason to keep him there. Not that, that isn’t allowed as staff but it’s common curtesy

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