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Dark Spirit's

Cosmic Nova

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+I don't know how this thread will be received but I feel like no one actually plays Spirit Caller. Or atleast making Talismans is a rarer occurrence because of the lack of Dark Spirits. Normal player spirits can be easily obtained by knifing players with pooled exp and they are also extremely commonly found through fishing. But dark spirits can only be gained from someone with pooled EXP and A high bounty, this means a player must be trying to gain exp while also committing crimes to raise their bounty. I propose in a way to make gaining dark spirits much easier is to remove the EXP aspect for the dark spirits. Let the spirit caller knife people with a high bounty to get these dark spirits. This will revive the spirit caller class I bet. I personally have several hundred of these normal spirits and not a single dark spirit. maybe just like a persons pooled EXP counter you see as a spirit caller add a bounty counter so you only knife people with bounties to get these spirits. I think we will finally have a reason to play as a spirit caller for those juicy Talismans.

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I have plenty of dark jars just none of the regular jars. Guess I’m in the opposite boat as you in luck lol but it literally says “has dark spirit” in red text on the person you’re trying to knife. So your suggestion if I’m reading it correctly. Already exists.

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I have plenty of dark jars just none of the regular jars. Guess I’m in the opposite boat as you in luck lol but it literally says “has dark spirit” in red text on the person you’re trying to knife. So your suggestion if I’m reading it correctly. Already exists.


It might be just me then because I think I have nearly 400 spirits and 0 dark spirits, it just tends to be hard to get dark spirits when the people with high bounties have no xp


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