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Reallow CC Micspam


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Where to begin. Do I want to allow it again? Yes.


Should we allow it again? Meh.



-People with CCs will stop bitching about it.

-AFK Micspamming is easier as you dont have to worry about auto-demote

-You loopholing will stop



-Too much chaos

-Hobos lose a key component of being a hobo.


Personally, I'm not against it. I'm not advocating for it, because I think CCs have too much power as is. Using the built in jobs that we have diversifies the players we have on, and that's why I'm skeptical on allowing it again. What makes a CC special is that you can play it any style you want to with specific limitations to allow diversity within the jobs so that new players can still play without it being unfair. This rule is one of many to try and mitigate it.


So I'm personally -1 for the change

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there is a hard limit on how many hobos can be running around and mic-spamming at a time


not so with ccs


Honestly, you aren't wrong. But I never see the hobo list full. So just like before, the people that want to mic spam will just switch to hobo. 


And on top of this mute feature exists. Both players and boomboxes have a mute feature.


Does this mean because boomboxes can be annoying they should be made hobo only?

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Personally I already hate the fact that hobos are allowed to micspam, but it's the only reason anyone will play hobo anyways.


If you let everyone with a CC micspam, nobody will play hobo anymore, and I will just end up muting half the people on the server. It's annoying, and should be limited strictly to a VERY select few people on the server.


I understand your view but I have to go -1 for the sake of my ears, everyone else's ears, and the hobo job.


The only way I would ever MAYBE support this is an option to buy the right to micspam from the CC editor (like you can to be a hitman), for a REMARKABLY egregious price so that you don't have every person who's spent 20 minutes printer farming running around with satanic earrape coming out of their voice chat.

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+1, let da homiez micspam again. Honestly, hobos are the only class allowed to build on the street and shit, I kinda think thats enough of a reason to switch to it. 


My micspam scenario would be playing music in my base or something. Say i wanna play a whole album as a listening party in my base, I can't do that because it'd be considered micspam. But if I switch to hobo, then I would have to play it on the street, kinda making the listening party pointless. Just tryna throw some sort of RP reason for giving it a +1.


If you are micspamming as a cc inside your private base away from other players like in the street then who cares. The but when you have at least 15+ people on at a given time able to micspam even with the fact that you can mute people within the tab menu. How are newer players able to know that unless we baby them through it.


If you want to micspam just go hobo and deal with the job. Most of the time people would just micspam some cringe ass shit as a cc or go raiding pd blaring the league of legends tahm kench login screen theme. -1

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  • Most people have their jobs spawn with master swords and shit. I don't use that kind of shit on hobo because I get RDM'd all the time, but back when cc spam was allowed I'd just fly circles around the people I was trying to annoy so they couldn't shoot me
  • People are pissed off about killing in jail cells rn, do we really want cops micspamming earrape in the cells?
  • I've only seen hobo job full 3 times in the last 6 months, all three being after dumpster diving came out
  • CCs get FUCKING TINY. If they won't leave you alone, some of them are legit impossible to kill.


If you support this being able to micspam, you're gonna get gnomed.

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Yes let that gnome micspam

The server's slogan is "where memes become dreams" and all the examples you guys have stated against micspam are some damn good memes. Still gonna have to be +1. 


And tbh, shit wasn't too bad when everybody was allowed to micspam back in the day.


Your logical reasoning is a meme.

Prepare to get gnomed.

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