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Automatically ban people who try to use a shared account to avoid their bans

Zhong Xina

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This would make things a lot easier. Back when I ran a gmod server many years ago, I had a script (which I recovered) that would automatically ban anyone who tried to avoid their ban by logging in with a shared account. Sure, they could just buy a new copy for $10 but this will weed out a lot of kids who don't have the means to buy new copies of gmod.


My copy: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Onf8SJfgspv8mTqP_dYqa9fXNFMJh0Lz/view?usp=sharing


All you need to do is unzip the entire thing into the addons folder and add the Steam API key for this server into line 4 of sv_familysharing.lua.


Alternatively, you can get an official copy from Github at https://github.com/C0nw0nk/Garrys-Mod-Family-Sharing

The one at my link just has stupid settings like "kick only (no ban)" and "IP ban" disabled. Plus the legacy ban reason that I believe this server had at some point ("Banning x for trying to use a shared account to avoid his ban! u got shrekt"). I remember there being something like this a while back but it must have been removed or been broken since.


Again, this would prevent a lot of headache.

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We already have that here.


If we do it's obviously broken as I have not seen that ban reason show up once in at least a couple years and people have admitted to using shared accounts with no issue. I know this server did at some point, but it either broke or got removed accidentally.


I just tested this script on my old server and it's working fine.

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at one point


Have I not made it clear that if that's the case, it doesn't work anymore? Or it may have been removed?

Personally, I remember seeing people banned for it automatically almost daily, over two years ago. Since then I haven't seen it even once, and I have recently banned people who admitted to using a shared account.

Just because it may have happened to you two years ago doesn't mean it's still working.

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