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General Map Change Questions


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any new on to when the update is going to be finished?


I'm probably going to push it out Friday afternoon - Saturday morning no matter what. 90% of it is done. Just have to do the silly work now and fix up a few more bugs. Except player count will not increase until the server is stable. I have no clue how it's going to perform under everything I am throwing at it (it's not like it's unoptimized code, just everything is different)


Probably Saturday morning since I would have to do a 1 - 2 hour maintenance to perma prop everything and transfer files, change maps, change x y z and all that jazz.

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You should let the staff run around it like a day before to find glitches or something, I know it's highly unlikely you will do this, but I think it would be a good idea :P


I would prefer more of a surprise element for everyone. So they can spend the next 2 - 3 days figuring out everything. Hopefully I can get stinky Crt and Gazooks to help me TEST IT AGAIN FOR MORE THAN 15 MINUTES. WE SPENT 15 MINUTES CATCHING FISH



Is there anything  we will be keeping or is it completely a new slate? If we are keeping some things should we take pictures of them in case a bug occurs that would make us lose them?



Money, banks, inventories will all still be there. You will not lose that. I cannot gaurentee the 100% accurate banks and inventories since shipment ID's changed + I have to migrate all the data over to mysql. I probably won't do refunds though since losing your shipment of Dual Berettas probably is not the end of the world

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