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A few suggestions

A Duck

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hecko, Leader of Furries here. Had a few suggestions I'd like noted just because I might not make it to any of the community meetings for a bit.




Issue #1: People seem confused about what an owner of a public base is allowed to do when running his/her public base. This causes people to act as if a public base is a free-for-all.


     Cause: While there is a tiny bit about public bases in the basing rules, it doesn't seem* well explained enough about what the owner is allowed to do and how one should behave in a public base.


Solution: I feel like the basing rules should have a separate section for the public basing aspect of it, being more clear on exactly what owning/being in a public base entails




Issue #2: I feel like with the lack of building and building to RP there is a ton of unused "prop slots" by the general public. I feel we could somehow find a way to afford people who do actually build often a slightly higher prop limit.


     Solution: Make a title similar to respected that can be given to people who like to RP and build well as to allow them greater flexibility in what they do, thus giving people greater incentive to RP and build! This would be handed out at staff discretion.




Issue #3: I brought this up in another thread, but want to have all my ideas in one place. This issue has to do with the PD screen. I feel like we could use a two screen solution that would greatly lower the amount of fuckery that goes on in PD lobby. It seems like going for the PD screen right now is a 50/50 gamble whether or not you get caught up in some kind of bullshit.


     Cause: Too much goes on in the PD lobby as of right now, it always seems congested. Add this congestion with PD Raids and you often get Raids going off when the lobby is full causing a bunch of people to die who just wanted to buy some armor.


Solution: Put one PD screen in the PD locker room that is always unlocked, put one just outside the PD station that can be locked by the mayor. Can probably put it by where the outside "mayor election NPC" is and remove that NPC while keeping the "Mayor election NPC" in the PD station where it is.




Have fun tearing them apart

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I could do with number 1 so + for that


so for number 2 I don’t think that would be a good idea. Everyone can say they want to build. But the problem is, is server congestion. Too many props will inevitably lag the server. If anything like that DID happen it would be like 5 extra props at a max.


As for number three. I like the premise. Yet I think the locker is supposed to be PD only because the second set of doors. So that being there as one that is not only there for public use but also always unlocked isn’t a good use of the space imo. I have an idea for the space though. I wish we could utilize it better.

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I get that. But we also have to think about server performance if the people started using it all. If the 5 extra just happen to be some of the biggest props available it could be a problem. (Which is why it’s debatable if it would happen) not that I don’t want it too. I do like building.

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Public bases are just buildings with props in them that serve a roleplay purpose. There doesn't need to be a new ruleset for public bases because you can do 2 things with a public base - Roleplay and not be raided by dicks. 


So to clarify - the owner of a public base must label his base as public, he may not have raidable entities inside, and the doors must be wide open to show that people may enter without getting killed. Most public bases are jazz clubs, social hangouts etc.

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Not asking for a whole new ruleset, I just would like more explicitness. As someone who only* RPs with public bases, I find myself have to argue everyday with multiple people about public bases. I feel like more explicitly stated* rules would help that eventually.

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Not asking for a whole new ruleset, I just would like more explicitness. As someone who only* RPs with public bases, I find myself have to argue everyday with multiple people about public bases. I feel like more explicitly stated* rules would help that eventually.


Explicit rules such as? There's nothing more to add to public basing in the rules, as this is what we have at the moment: 



  • A public base is a place with open doors such as a restaurant. For your base to be considered a public base, you must place a sign indicating it as a "Public Base." You may not have money-making entities inside/it will be treated as a building sign. If the base does have closed and locked doors and the owners refuse to let you in that room, the base is considered raid-able.


What else is there you think should be included?

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