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Rebalance the Talismans please

fukin ded

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What the thread title said. You already can't use them as terrorist/abomination and some other MRDM jobs but there should be a global limit on # talismans at once since rn people can just stack like 6 or 7 at once and there's no counter to a guy that has invis, armor regen, 120ish health, gun jam talisman, etc all at once. They're basically god especially with gun jam since they can just throw a scripted entity molotov thingy and trigger the on damage effect to gain impunity to just spam timebombs while you can't even damage them. Either nerf talismans as a whole or rebalance them so that you can't stack more than one or two at a time. You can add potions to talismans too which just makes it even more borked.

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even still there isn't really a counter to talismans. You get talisman c4 spam raided and you're just pretty much fucked unless you have a lot of backup

and the 4 limit becomes irrelevant when you have multiple people all doing it at once since they'll be able to get the talismans the others can't and cover each other. All you really need to make shit cancer is invis, gun jam, armor regen, and extra health which is perfectly fit to the 4 limit.

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I think it would be nice if there were some more defense-oriented talisman, since the current ones mostly benefit raiders. For example: "Resilient props", makes your props have a 10% chance to not be damaged by C4, Blowtorch, etc.


Idk, that's just my two cents.

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yeah he's right the talismans overly favor raiders vs base defense. There's no 1 use base defense type talismans or consumeables. It's not nearly 400k also. You can get 4 or 5 stacks of most talismans by just farming lootboxes so on average a full talisman loadout is closer to 100 or 150k when you factor in the stacks you would get at a time from a lootbox. You don't just get a single gun jam talisman or better stealth you get like 4 or 5 per drop in a t2 lootbox so you can just farm plants for a couple hours and open a shitload of lootboxes ez

plus generally with talisman raids it makes it not worth to base with anything over a certain amount in ent cost because the amount of profit from entboxing all the procs and farming that is far more than a single round of talismans would ever cost and it prevents the raided from actually farming unless they themselves spam talismans and raid back which ends up making it so that nobody ever bases unless they're with a clan or very new to server which ends up invalidating the whole point of having a good CC and talismans in the first place. Talismans as a whole in their current state just make the economy worse imo.

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The issue with that is like I said it destroys the base economy because nobody wants to base when they'll just get talisman c4 spammed by a tryhard and lose their investment right away. When everyone has OP bullshit, nobody is willing to be on the receiving end of that OP shit.

there's a reason CP is so popular recently along with gun dealer. You can't raid a gun dealer stand and you can't talisman your way out of a cop repeatedly making 5k fines off jaywalk. you'll have 2 or 3 bases with 60 to 70 players online.

Raiding in general is supposed to be risky and something that is high risk high reward. Talismans and to a lesser extent high end legendaries heavily break that and make it sided to the raider. Raiding should be baser sided inherently because of the high investment that it takes to properly base and farm at a good rate. If you can pop a couple items and spam makeshift timebombs to nuke the base by gravgun yeeting them from outside the base so that the defender can't fight back it negates the only thing the defender has going for him, which is the ability to have a better shot/position with base building. The current meta is raider friendly to a retarded degree. You can basically guarantee victory short of a freak accident or a bunch of cops showing up and fucking over both sides as an attacker and even if you have a shitload of money and legendary guns you can still get defeated by the ol' timebomb spam, not to mention that it's not nearly as expensive as it once was to raid since timembombs went from just explosive damage to actually removing props and being plentiful in lootboxes.

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yeah he's right the talismans overly favor raiders vs base defense. There's no 1 use base defense type talismans or consumeables. It's not nearly 400k also. You can get 4 or 5 stacks of most talismans by just farming lootboxes so on average a full talisman loadout is closer to 100 or 150k when you factor in the stacks you would get at a time from a lootbox. You don't just get a single gun jam talisman or better stealth you get like 4 or 5 per drop in a t2 lootbox so you can just farm plants for a couple hours and open a shitload of lootboxes ez

plus generally with talisman raids it makes it not worth to base with anything over a certain amount in ent cost because the amount of profit from entboxing all the procs and farming that is far more than a single round of talismans would ever cost and it prevents the raided from actually farming unless they themselves spam talismans and raid back which ends up making it so that nobody ever bases unless they're with a clan or very new to server which ends up invalidating the whole point of having a good CC and talismans in the first place. Talismans as a whole in their current state just make the economy worse imo.


You are throwing around numbers without having done any testinf yourself judging from how you word the post. To be fair I have not either but the market has most useful talismans in the 60-120k range in price, when you factor in what it costs to use a talisman its not the investment you used to get the talismans, but the asset value lost when using the talismans, using your argument I could farm talismans for free from getting them on daily rewards and say i didn't pay anything to use the talismans. Its a stupid argument ontop of the fact that you are pulling numbers out of your ass presumably having done 0 testing by yourself. 


The only sensible way to see what it costs to use a talisman is to take what they sell for as the cost of using that talisman, and using 4 of the best/flavour/meta talismans such as gun jam small model etc will be lost value of your inventory of around 400k as far as i know.


If you want ways to invest money in defending bases use landmines, get good enchanted guns, pay someone to be in your party and defend with you, USE TALISMANS YOURSELF YOU WILL HAVE A WAY LONGER 1 LIFE CAMPING IN YOUR OWN BASE


You are making stupid arguments that someone who is using millions to try to raid you shouldnt have an advantage over someone who isn't trying to invest anything in the defense of their base. And if you dont believe me why do you think I have that gmodclout™ for being very unraidable and also being very good at raiding.  



To conclude theres always the argument being made that people arent basing but its because its boring as fuck, and people would rather play actively than babysit their base with entities in them


"Talismans and to a lesser extent high end legendaries heavily break that and make it sided to the raider." They can use them but i cannot [:

Someone should instead talk about how models that cannot raid can base :/

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