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Voltz' Multiple Suggestions!


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ability to buy armor packs in stacks.

 no one enjoys self-supplying armor packs, at least let us buy it in stacks of ten.


ability to buy blood in stacks.

 i spend a good amount of time a day self-supplying blood as medic just to be able to compete in weapon modifier leaderboard,

 just like the armor pack suggestion, stacks of ten at the very least.


talisman: quick harvest.

 gathered crops [food shipments] go directly into your inventory,

 you don't want to know how many times i've lagged the server with food shipments on the ground.


lower requirement for dark spirit jar to $1,000 bounty, make it so stabbing a person removes $1,000 from person's bounty.

 which means you can get more than one dark spirit jar from stabbing an individual multiple times.

 dark spirit jars are too hard to get, my 500 spirit jars and 0 dark spirit jars speak for itself.


more coin pushers with higher risk/reward.

 ten times the price, ten times the prize, it's not gambling without high risk/reward,

 something like $10,000 per use, rewards go from $20,000 - $200,000.


ability to drop food shipments by stack.

 it's hard to drop food shipments one by one just to put it in a stove as a restaurant owner.


buff the ignite effect on enchanted guns.

 currently the ignite when procced, only does an extra one burn damage.


buff the quick fish talisman from 50% to 100% chance to inventory caught fish.

 i just don't see the value of it at it's current state.


make fishing hotspots have more fish than two,

 two is too little, what a waste of xp potential.


make the xp gained whe crafting potions scale with the amount of potions you made.

 since at the moment you just get 7 xp no matter how many you make.

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IMO the coinpushers are terrible there should be three tiers of them increasing in value with each tier. From what I’ve checked with them they are about as reliable as the extreme gambler in terms of winning chances. I don’t know if there’s like a strategy or something but that’s just my opinion.

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ability to buy armor packs in stacks.



ability to buy blood in stacks.


This suggestion was denied by sugar because it'd make farming for them much easier and they'll drop in price (not community friendly thing)


talisman: quick harvest.



+1 good suggestion, I'd love to see it added to the server.


lower requirement for dark spirit jar to $1,000 bounty, make it so stabbing a person removes $1,000 from person's bounty.


1,000$ is way too low?! I think every 3,000? because 5,000 is kinda hard to obtain.


more coin pushers with higher risk/reward.


+1 good suggestion, more ways of making good money + why not?


ability to drop food shipments by stack.


+1 good suggestion, I can't express how frustrating it is to drop at least 100 food shipments into the cooking stove

adding it will be a good community service :)


buff the ignite effect on enchanted guns.


+1 good suggestion, maybe buff it to 5 per tick? 1 is way too low.


make the xp gained whe crafting potions scale with the amount of potions you made.

 +1 good suggestion, I think it's a bug or it's just a thing that sugar missed when he was coding the new chemical engineer table.

should be added because sometimes I craft a thousand potions and only get 2-10 XP

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if you’ve ever played a real coin pusher it’s all timing.


Here’s a little secret how to win ..


Look inside, you can see how many coins there are and if it’s close to falling. No skill or luck involved. That’s the reason the stakes are not higher, you need noobs that can afford to fill it up for you to swoop in and cash out




You’re welcome

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I rather enjoy the poker game that was added. Also a popular (or maybe unpopular) opinion is to add black jack. I feel like leaderboards for poker and maybe some other thing like wood chopping and metal mining would be a good addition as well just to up the ante a bit with the leaderboards.

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