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Let VIP classes be able to mug, such as master thief


More ocean jobs, such as scuba diver who can KOS shark and crabs and vice versa


Allow Cripz and Bloodz to KOS each other, most of the people who go those jobs do it anyway


Allow people to snipe to support raids


Have a way to sell the airboat


More secret areas, most are already known and therefore useless


Make some sort of rule which doesn't allow people to just snipe every single kidnapper, it just annoys players


More involvement with /write, such as contracts


Lawyer class that makes it so anyone about to be arrested for over 2 minutes can call for a court case and have lawyers and Judge Gabe


Allow arrested people to be able to punch the vent to escape


Allow hobos to raid but only in the sewer


Allow sewer Lord to raid bases in the sewer


Add back Darth Vader


Specify that Gandalf cant just mass rdm


Gang talent which allows you to be able to steal 50% of a cheque


Printers simply die after one hourish as some people just raid newer players, steal their printers, and make it so nobody can raid their base. Therefore discouraging newer players to base


Add a rule which button abusing, like pressing a button to stop someone lock picking then closing it again

That's all I have for now

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Let VIP classes be able to mug, such as master thief: Yeah i can get behind this. But only like thief VIP classes.


More ocean jobs, such as scuba diver who can KOS shark and crabs and vice versa: I like the idea of a scuba diver that is like a underwater treasure hunter. But the KOS'ing sharks and crabs is kind of dumb.


Allow Cripz and Bloodz to KOS each other, most of the people who go those jobs do it anyway: I mean yeah I wouldn't mind this but if you shoot other people and they get angry then we got a problem.


Allow people to snipe to support raids: No


Have a way to sell the airboat: Yeah that would be a good idea that we should have had at the beginning.


More secret areas, most are already known and therefore useless: I find that most secret areas are just useless cause of their size.


Make some sort of rule which doesn't allow people to just snipe every single kidnapper, it just annoys players: Just don't kidnap in common places like fountain or right under pd.


More involvement with /write, such as contracts: Eh


Lawyer class that makes it so anyone about to be arrested for over 2 minutes can call for a court case and have lawyers and Judge Gabe: This could be good rp but might confuse new players who play gabe.


Allow arrested people to be able to punch the vent to escape: Yeah I could see this if we gave arrested people fists.


Allow hobos to raid but only in the sewer: Hobos should not raid.


Allow sewer Lord to raid bases in the sewer: I mean yeah he is the sewer lord.


Add back Darth Vader: Was Darth Vader just a dude with a lightsaber?


Specify that Gandalf cant just mass rdm: Havoc doesn't mean RDM so no need for it.


Gang talent which allows you to be able to steal 50% of a cheque: What use would this have?


Printers simply die after one hourish as some people just raid newer players, steal their printers, and make it so nobody can raid their base. Therefore discouraging newer players to base: I might suggest some stuff for making raiding a little bit more challenging so that more people base to get money.


Add a rule which button abusing, like pressing a button to stop someone lock picking then closing it again: That should be FDA and I hope I don't actually need to clarify that in the motd.

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Add back Darth Vader: Was Darth Vader just a dude with a lightsaber?

The reason I want Darth Vader added back is another thief job, but a better weapon


The other ones you disagreed with I understand.



Most of your suggestions would be pretty nice tho with just a few tweaks to it.

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Adding to suggestions list


Gambler class who can open up a gambling shop and can buy a blackjack desk, which he gets 20% from, also spawns in with Russian roulette


Revamp !unbox as the rewards aren't worth the price anymore


Allow terrorists to do /advert Suicide bombing, or something like that and have black market dealer sell suicide bombs. 20 minute cool down. Terrorist is just about never used so yeah.

Have a way to transfer ownership of a CC

Add back bitminer light as one people don't wanna spend 35k on a bitminer

Repeat suggestion but allow people to invite people to gangs and share CC's by steam ID

Add new gang talent Overseer which allows cops to access cameras that are preplaced on the map from an item

A search button for bounties as when 59 people have bounties it's hard to scroll the whole chat

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I would really like bloods and crips to be able to kill each other. When I was staff I had to ban or warn many players for this... Just new players instantly think its war between them and they gun each other down instantly and have fun doing it. Most people that do mass rdm each other have fun doing it and don't complain.. soooo, really think it needs to be implemented.

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