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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by VoN

  1. buy my neco arc and pochita plush sweps in the cc editor today
  2. depends, the only thing that'll look different is the shading & textures, alot of textures with transparency sometimes break from what rubik does to them
  3. not how it works unfortunately
  4. its gonna look the same but rubik will compress it to 256x256, so expect very blurry textures unless you have flat-colored colors thats if he allows the models
  5. "please test it" that's on you as the importer my guy and what happened to forbidding self-imported models unless they become popular on the workshop?
  6. Love your worlds Rum Ham!! Big Fan!!
  7. the retards are homeless please do something
  8. they live off slandering and harassing others as they have nothing better to do with their lives
  9. the fact that he's actively going out, begging for -reps because he's already acknowledged the fact that people don't like him, says enough about his character. I haven't even been back long and I already know people hate him as a staff member. Regardless of whether or not -rep isn't auto-demoting him, it very well should as it really reflects on the community and "moderation team".
  11. VoN

    Happy Jackfruit Day!

    I LOVE JACKFRUITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I can understand not adding jetpacks, though having it obtainable through atleast an increasingly difficult way would be kind of neat, like the idea Slippery had. Spiderman gun & kiss swep would be nice to have on the prestige shop though. On the point of the kiss swep being annoying... sure.. but there's already alot of shit in this server that can be deemed as annoying and still goes around. I think it'd be fun, personally.
  13. Spiderman gun would be a fine replacement tbh. But personally, I find the whole "only one person can have it on their CC because they won a raffle" to be kinda BS lmao. but eh, it is what it is
  14. kiss swep - 5 prestige tokens jetpack - 20 prestige tokens idk. just an idea. would be cool.
  15. This job used to exist on a server I played on in around 2010. Was fun as fuck, and it brought a ton of people together with crab armies & what not. Doubt this'll be considered, but worth a shot :^)
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