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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Birddog6

  1. Money should always matter. I don't think it's fair to say to anyone that they should be punished for supporting the server. Oddly enough, this entire argument, and debate about kidnapping, I never thought of something as simple as having to advert kidnap. I think that would be a highly-beneficial change. That, and make it failrp to kidnap someone.... just to dump them somewhere and make them lose time+weapons and shit. That's my only real gripe with kidnapping. Deny it all you want, DarkRP was made really to be had fun at someone else's expense 90 percent of the time. I think the main issue that people are talking about (the ones with any fucking sense anyways) is the fact that people did in fact, spend real life money or a significant amount of time in the server. But realistically, the vocal minority (compare the poll results to the amount of players in the server) would only have their gameplay fundamentally changed if the SWEPs were removed altogether. I think the cooldown has removed a lot of interest in kidnapping, or at least, using it like people have in the past. But I've said this before (and I've said it recently to some very important people in my line of work) that just because we're doing something because it's been done for so long and it'll cause headaches, doesn't mean that it shouldn't be changed if it provides a better outcome. In my opinion, I think kidnapping should be regulated to the point that only Cultists can do it, and give you more incentives for successfully doing something with it. But that's a drastic measure and goes against the people who have fairly contributed to the server. Also, please keep any personal attacks out of this debate. Stipulating that I'm somehow not old enough to manage money and not care about when people have spent upwards of 30 dollars on the server isn't something I would do to you or to anyone else in this setting.
  2. When I first joined the server I found the fact that you can make a cc essentially anything and expand it very much as goals when playing. The merit to kidnapping at this point in time is that it is on a long cooldown that is even longer for ccs. The main reason why I think this idea is bad in the foundation is because its reductive, the argument is that there is no way to get people to play normal jobs without removing things from it. I think the way you make people choose to play a normal job is to give it some smaller or larger aspect that custom classes cant do, for example how thief jobs that are not ccs can mug (and before only muggnig jobs could force drop). Some good examples that I think show how this exact thing has been executed are the hacker, security specialist, mr sniffy, infiltrator and the sewer lord. These are jobs where they have something that is comepletely unique that they can do and it gets people playing them, an example that is done via ruleset is the fact that only hobos can micspam and build in the street. I think that the way that you get people to play cultist as opposed to any other non cop class is to expand on the idea of sacrificing in some way and I know that there have been suggestions of that in the past. Its a bit ridiculous how people are actually considering an idea like this when kidnapping is on such a long cooldown already on ccs. OP says theres an imbalance of views between custom classes and normal jobs and while the view may be skewed I think its just placebo and the fact that ccs have skins. I think everyone should go and make a few calculations on how many of certain weapons you need to make the 10 mil investment in a cc weapon worth it. Overall kidnapping is already gutted, I think that gutting ccs is stupid on many levels and this is overall to me just a thread about removing kidnapping in all its forms to promote a carebear attitude to anyone who decides to join the server. The protections are already there. I think you misunderstood my question, I was asking of why so many people think it's pertinent to retain kidnapping as some staple feature, when in reality it's just a fucking minge tool most of the time.
  3. I'll bite: WHY WHY do you think kidnapping should remain on these CC? What is the value of gameplay with giving CC practically unlimited range? How is that fair to new players? How do you think that appeals to new players? Do you think it's confusing? Is there any real merit to kidnapping? People rarely kidnap for practically non-minge related reasons. So far the reasons have been based on 'what kidnapping used to be', and exactly what was that? That everyone and their mother had a bludgeon SWEP to "kidnap" (AKA dump in the sewers and make that person have to commit suicide, or go all the way to the surface to be killed to be un-kidnapped) any asshole they wanted. I think it's a fair suggestion and you all jumping on him without elaboration is fucking dumb.
  4. lootboxes are a cancer anyways. it's your fault for gambling. you gambled and you lost, don't blame the staff. the goal of a lootbox is to lure people into predatory spending habits to begin with, and you're falling into the trap. blaming the lootbox creators for not giving you anything good is the dumbest fucking thing I have seen in a long time. go grind in the 10,000 other ways to grind in the server. I found four legendary weapons as a treasure hunter in <30 minutes. Lootboxes should be like mining for gold with a pan in the river.
  5. CCs vs everyone else it seems lately
  6. Birddog6


    lol theres no rule saying you have to attempt to arrest someone
  7. Birddog6

    Kidnapping. SMH

    Lol I've seen staff drop people into the sewers ....including you
  8. I think it's too late to operate on the premise 'but there might be abuse' as a reason to not have something in the server anymore when kidnapping is as big as it is
  9. For hard breaching on low-security doors, and to possibly boop evil doers. Not let them use it without a warrant, otherwise it's failrp. But y tho: Because SWAT Commandos only have explosives breaching tools, which could damage peoples stuff or the person, leading to possible RDM, collateral, stuff like that. I also think it'd be a lot cooler to have a SWAT raid that starts out with you literally breaking down the door.
  10. Adding them to have to be apart of CC would be a godsend. CC now pretty much dominate the server, and in a bad way- almost a game-breaking way. "But they can be bought with in-game money" - A hopelessly optimistic person or someone who's telling themselves a lie. Jesus Christ that statement hurts to read. I'm sorry man.
  11. Found a screaming pumpkin near the mines. Any other cool things around the map?
  12. I dunno, I feel like admin chats should be only for admins and people on the staff team. Respected already has a lot of power already, I think their main job is to just wait for a staff to get on to handle it. Record, document, testify, etc. Or kick/ban people for their rdm and let a staff member know ASAP. I mean, I've been on at 4am and there's still staff. I think we have enough staff 99 percent of the time, or at least a staff member online.
  13. I got banned from three GMOD RP servers for being a Janitor so far.
  14. I've had this happen to me multiple times, and even by a staff member. If this is a rule, it needs to start being enforced more. you actually can just kidnap someone and leave them there, just run away, you dont have to do anything with them. herb is wrong about that rule... the rule was removed from motd a very long time ago.. As for kidnapping, people really dont even kidnap anymore, there is only a few people that spam beast potions and kidnap and they dont even play that much. kidnapping is not an issue at all imo Have you played at all lately? There isn't a time that I haven't played where there aren't at least four people running around (mostly on CC) with Kidnap SWEPs, booping people and then either just throwing them into the sewers to fuck with them and make them commit suicide, or dragging them into their base. The fact that someone made a thread and it's now at three pages, shows that there is something at least people don't like about kidnapping. I don't think anyone is advocating for kidnapping to not exist, but I think that something about it does need to change, otherwise we have CC that totally imbalance the game beyond the point of rationale.
  15. LOL calling out me specifically, that shit's been happening probably LONG before I even joined the server. I've seen you abuse CP so many damn times and that's the reason I throw you across the map, new players do not get kidnapped unless they're playing in a toxic way, such as yourself. Anything you just said is an argument based on longevity on a long-standing issue, nothing of what you just said has any value, nor do you offer anything that remotely resembles a solid argument to keep the kidnapping the way it is. You admitted to even breaking the rules just now, if what the people previously said was true. I don't play in a toxic way, in my opinion. I arrest people, I handcuff people and I make them pay their bounties. I fail to see how that remotely translates to any wrongdoing on my part. If people are upset that a CP pays attention to the bounty board, then maybe they should stick to a different part of the map, avoid the police (like a real criminal would), or avoid doing illegal things altogether. But if you're calling me toxic, the pot calling the kettle black is strong here. I do agree that CC have made the server severely unbalanced, and almost pay-to-win. But I think that's a topic for another thread, and one that will require hardline decisions. Personally, I think that the next fundamental change needs to come from CC that don't break the game or make people feel like they can't win while just playing on the server normally.
  16. I've had this happen to me multiple times, and even by a staff member. If this is a rule, it needs to start being enforced more.
  17. Getting kidnapped to get thrown into the sewers and all of my weapons stripped so I have to commit suicide. Kidnapping isn't viable, it's stupid and people have begun to abuse it. Hubba Bubba spamming the 6000 speed potions he has on his CC and booping you in the back of the head to throw you across the map isn't a good time. A Nobody or even Big Toe doing the same thing is ridiculous, and I guarantee if it makes me slightly annoyed, it makes the new player to the server all that the more upset and they don't want to come back. I've seen stagnation lately from the server in terms of players and in terms of what people are doing. I think shaking up things once and a while, like the processor update, is a step in the right direction. Updating kidnapping is a good start. But what to do? I've seen a lot of complaints, but not a lot of solutions. I think from now on, if we're going to make an argument against something, we should offer solutions as well. Here's a few of mine: 1. When using the kidnap SWEP for x amount of time (IE, four seconds or longer) your speed is reduced to normal or even slower, so people can't use speed powers or potions, etc. 2 . Reducing the kidnap SWEP to select classes, IE cultists. 3. Reducing the time on the kidnap SWEP to force people to be closer to their base. 4. Maybe the PD gets a notification that there's a kidnapping in progress? 5. Being marked for Death on the map after successfully kidnapping someone or after using the SWEP. 6. Removing kidnapping entirely (not a popular choice, nor do I think it's the right one) 7. Make failing to put a person into a cage/proper kidnap RP a warnable offense/define it as FailRP/Minging. That's a few of mine.
  18. "PD" screen could mean Police Department and not the actual PD itself. It's moreso to start pushing players to utilize the rest of the map, and offer people the ability to be able to base without having to run all the way back after a firefight or needing to refit/rearm and whatnot.
  19. Like the title says, I think the biggest constraint that I've noticed with playtime is the fact that people congregate, base, and RP mainly near the PD, more than likely due to it's the hub of the world to be fair, but also because it has the PD screen. I think putting another PD screen in our big map, could maybe let people use more of the map. I feel like the map is criminally underused for most of the playerbase, and it's mostly due to that things are centered around the fountain/PD. I think adding a PD screen (with the ability to be locked down) in a public area, perhaps in the parking lot in the industrial area, etc, could help with letting players branch out of the norm that we've created with the playerbase.
  20. make the box smaller, maybe give them a map of the parcel boxes.
  21. this is the photo I got banned for!
  22. just get better at being bad the guy doesn't even have guns stay to a base if you're a criminal doing criminal shit, like a real criminal would, Batman will have a hard time getting to you if you're in a defensive position (but for some reason 90 percent of the people in this server, no matter their job, hang out in front of the PD and then complain when they get ganked by Batman)
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