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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Quas

  1. That is the point. Either they stop attracting toxic behavior (which is REALLY easy) or they leave. The worst people on the server are people like this
  2. This is flawed. I will not elaborate because its in the post
  3. Then you didnt take into account anything I said, I established where I stand. Im not going to reiterate why it is a good thing (Which it is a good thing) when its in the post
  4. Read the post, instead of just the title.
  5. I have decided to make this post after the increased amount of recent reports for harassment and toxicity, and one of them even getting a 1 month ban I believe. Personally, I dont see this as right, and I have reason to believe a lot of you agree with me. If you spend any time on the server at all, and you are a bit of a controversial fellow, you know how the cycle goes: Player X who most likely lacks a father or God gets killed, arrested, etc. by Player Y -> Resentment and anger builds up in Player X -> Player X decides to do anything in their power to antagonize and instigate Player Y that isnt explicitly breaking rules -> Player Y gets pissed, proceeds to talk some trash, say some mean words -> Player X reports Player Y -> Player Y is banned. Or, alternatively: Player X makes himself an easy target to Player Y because he lacks social skills, impulse control, or never had truly masculine friends -> Player Y is more gravitated to mess with Player X as a result -> Instead of muting Player Y, avoiding him, etc. Player X decides to allow Player Y to mess with him until he has enough evidence -> Makes a report -> Player Y is banned Needless to say, this is an issue, it really is. You can twist is however you want but besides a couple of differences, these are the 2 scenarios that someone will make harassment reports about. If you notice, in these 2 scenarios, it traces back to the "victims" fault, which is true 99% of times. This would beg the question: Maybe if we didnt have rules that appeal to the resentment and vengeful nature of these people, maybe players would learn to not make themselves targets of this "Harassment". I guarantee you if we get rid of ANY rules against toxicity, harassment, targeting, etc. We wouldnt have any cases of harassment within 3 months, because when you make rules and allow people to have a way of thinking where if they dont like someone, they can simply bait them into harassing them and then just get them banned. I have had many people attempt to do this to me, so I know how it goes every time. I start calling someone names, they start going "Stop now, seriously" which is basically just saying "Keep going so I can report you please" and I do stop so I dont get in trouble, and usually a little bit later I will get a PM from them saying "Thank you for stopping" Which is basically their hail mary to appeal to my pride and get me to start saying things again (reverse psychology). Its such a headache to deal with isnt it? I dont even say anything crazy or bad, I just call them a baby and say "Wah Wah" or something stupid like that, and they get pissy over it. This whole idea that "Harassment and toxic is bad" is based on the presumption that being mean is inherently bad, which its not, its amoral. It is the same with being nice, being nice isnt good or bad, its amoral. When I was a plumber I had a boss that was mean constantly and yelled at me constantly, but it was simply so I could get angry, and channel that anger into my job, something greater then me. If you ever worked a hard labor job in your life, and had a boss that was above the age of 30, you probably know EXACTLY what I am talking about. If you have had any form of true masculine comradery as a man growing up, you would be messed with and made fun all the time, its how we mess around with each other and have fun. Its not my fault that some cry baby cant taking reading 3 letters on a screen, or seeing a slur of some sort. They dont belong on the internet if thats the case. Notice how that was the golden age of gaming was when you were getting told "KYS" over a a text message because you were hardscoping on nuketown on BO2? Its no coincidence that the most fond memories of gaming was OBSCENELY toxic, the issue is when you blend femininity and toxicity is when things start going sideways, which is what we are seeing now. I would argue making a toxicity report on someone (even though you basically allowed the toxicity) is EXTREMELY toxic. My solution? Literally get rid of the rules ENTIRELY. All of them. Targeting, harassment, toxicity, anything related to these. At least for 3 months, and lets see the difference between now, and 3 months later. I promise you the state of the server will be vastly better The thing we all need to realize is that even if you dont like someone, they should still be allowed to play the server, even if they break the rules against you. If they dont have a negative impact on the general population of the server, and they get banned for something, then they make an appeal and seem apologetic, they should be unbanned. This is exactly why I dont like getting most players banned, yet I constantly challenge staff. We are all here to have a good time, and have fun, relax with the boys. Where is the fun in getting your enemies banned? Wouldnt be much fun if you dont have that one juggernaut outside your kidnap dupe that lays you out every time you try to kidnap someone (C*ntbucket, im looking at you). Just keep that in the back of your head, were all here to have a good time and a bitter nature mixed with the enshrinement of harassment and toxicity rules makes for a terrible time, which we already have seen.
  6. I wouldnt be surprised. just about every dupe is just a recolored bunziix dupe with a couple of tweaks
  7. If you buy dylns dupes, you are buying dupes from a satanist (just letting you know)
  8. dyln is cringe and worships satan, so just remember that
  9. dude wants to lvl up bro whats the issue
  10. no issues here, I definitely agree most with the cop rework. Its just obnoxious, and encourages 0 RP as well as making life of staff a headache. I suggest we encourage more RP with it, and only making legitimate laws that make sense. P.S. allow freedom of speech P.P.S, remove harassment rules (they are gay and cringe)
  11. I had an issue with 5 minions constantly coming after me when I was Gru so I just started killing them on sight and got in a little hot water for it, so I had a friend contact sugar directly and he said as long as you arent just spawn locking them, you can KOS any job that can KOS you.
  12. I added a model to the server. This is how players earned it. Props to nutterz for the editing
  13. its because you copied it with a light, had the same issue. Repaste it in singleplayer and delete the light
  14. Cant use it while raiding, I think that would be considered building during a raid. The purpose is for defense, nothing more nothing less. Not to mention its quite expensive to make, costing around almost 1 mil for 3 of them, they also only last 2 minutes.
  15. It definitely wouldnt, I use an enchant gun constantly to get my party members out
  16. I just want character and cp potions back, they were really the only way to avoid being AOSed as a job thats always AOS such as Gru. Plus it would be like the old days where you break someone out of jail with a CP potion
  17. Still doesnt really answer the reason why there is opposition to this rule change. What are the downsides of making it a rule where only members in the same party can uncuff each other?
  18. Whats the point of being opposed to this though? Its a small rule change and barely does anything to the server
  19. I get that, I wouldnt mind if like beastials and stuff was removed, I more like using the police and character potions since its makes for great scenarios sometimes.
  20. Just a genuine question, I noticed that beastials were nerfed to the ground but the job was removed, whats the reason for it? I didnt see anything wrong with the job really.
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