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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Hoopajoop

  1. As I said earlier, mo options mo better, imho I'd even suggest buffing the HP of barriers so that they can actually be used-- otherwise what's the point of even having them soak up server space? these ideas are pretty dope
  2. +10 if the shark could be given a tool similar to the bunker buster that only works on props placed in/around the ocean, lest it be rendered largely invalid like the humble crab
  3. Eh, I'm not rich enough to be throwing money at C4. Besides-- barricades are on the server already, may as well let them at least pretend to be useful. mo options mo better, imho
  4. i meant for making videos of gameplay and stuff :p
  5. What programs do you folks recommend for recording playtime gameplay?
  6. +1 I'd say access to master lockpick/cracker in exchange for healing sweps would be more than worth. Maybe then restaurant owners could pretend to be at least a little viable as businesses selling +HP foods.
  7. Bug Description: The most important features, such as the ability to select fighters and select their weapons, do not work. The arena states "unknown fighter" on either side no matter what, and selected fighters do not receive their weapons. How to reproduce: Try selecting fighters and their weapons with an arena spawned. Priority: Low
  8. So if I understand correctly, the changes you suggest have more to do with talents than (with little exception) actually limiting what sweps CCs have access to? I can dig that. Especially if this additionally opens up options for CCs to have access to mugging/bounty hunting or class-specific stuff like reaper scythe/necro stick.
  9. Given how prolific one-way props and bases centered around them are, cover is an absolutely essential godsend for a raider. Especially taking into consideration that a number of base designs can't even have their first fading door picked/cracked without crouching in full view of the base owner that is sitting in a well-defended pillbox wielding a "you're dead in under a second" type weapon. Material bombs and grenades are excellent for getting a line of sight, but can be ineffective against clever fortifications-- you can see them but actually shooting them is an issue. Barricades from the crafting station are a fantastic tool that offers a raider relative safety, but given their temporary and destructible nature, I suggest that players be allowed to have more than a single one available for deployment. As it stands now, a player can drop a barricade, open inventory, drop another, pick it up, and deploy it, but I don't think I have to tell anyone that time is of the essence when it comes to raiding. I suggest that we be allowed to stack up to five barricades in the hotbar. ____________________________________________________________________ Keypads crackers! Why the heck would anyone voluntarily use keypad crackers? They're kinda awful compared to lockpicks. They're incredibly loud compared to lockpicks, easily capable of drawing a crowd. they're not nearly as sexy as lockpicks They take a -really- long time to do their thing compared to lockpicks. tl;dr keypad crackers are kinda poo i think they should chooch a little faster-- at least to be on par with lockpicks in that respect
  10. If playing regular jobs makes the server unfun, there are deeper issues. Not what I meant by that. The original jobs are fun, but some veteran players like Piklas or Grape, you don't see them ever really using regular classes. Forcing them to use those classes would only make the game bland to them since they know what CC's are You also drew a comparison between the idea of reigning in CC's a bit to having a space shooter update itself into a paint-drying simulator, so idk. If that's not what you meant, my bad. Moving on, I dig some of the ideas on CC's here. Breaking custom classes up into categories like this wouldn't be terribly catastrophic, I think. With the guidelines laid out by Viscus, I have a feeling the only change that would affect a vast majority of CC's would be removal of the medical kit for thieves/raiders. Pair that with a refund of suga dollas or DarkRP cash and I have a hard time imagining anyone raising a big stink about it. That said, Jawson raises a good point in that with patience and good inventory management, any class can be just as effective as any CC. I'm kinda conflicted on this one.
  11. If playing regular jobs makes the server unfun, there might be deeper issues.
  12. Or perhaps the color chosen displays only to yourself and those of your group, while another color can be chosen to represent other groups to yourself and your group. +1
  13. Should this be implimented, I'd suggest tacking it on to entity shelves as well. Losing a load of stock to a crash is sad times. :c
  14. cool, this will really cut down on the risk of interaction and rp with other players to get stuff I want now instead of actually talking to another person, I can just master sword on down to yonder NPC and be back in the safe confines of my base in the blink of an eye +1
  15. Sure, but what would be the point of selecting the gun dealer class and setting up shop when people could just pop over to the NPC and get anything the gun dealer is selling? Why would anyone buy a gun dealer's AK47 when there are loads of other guns (earned through theft, loot boxes, etc.) on the market NPC priced lower than the gun dealer could reasonably profit off of? Could kind of apply to any item, really. Markets like that are a bitch to balance in that regard on games like this.
  16. This would be pretty great. I'd avoid crafting if it weren't so necessary, due to the tedium of dropping one material at a time.
  17. So basically a persistent and virtual entity shelf? I dunno, I forsee issues with people just buying loads of shipments to flood the market and players would have even less of a reason than they already do to interact with shopkeepers.
  18. It's also worth mentioning that the RSB can be hacked so that the payment is given to the hacker, if I'm not mistaken.
  19. there is a 3 hour time requirement for all cp jobs, sadly this doesn't stop alot of the mass rdmers wow that's it? rules against building fishing shacks on the beach these completely invalidate the crab job 100% and provide too much safety
  20. -minimum hour requirement for any job that starts with a weapon at the very least for CP -crossbows for king's guard
  21. on top of the potential for small models to be all-around obnoxious, wouldn't this invalidate services provided by a few other jobs (restaurant owner, etc.) decrease/increase model size? it's already enough that CC's can pay to never need a gun dealer -1
  22. Bug Description: Using the king's Spawner can produce three filled chem barrels for the price of one. How to reproduce: Use the King's Spawner to stack three chemical spigots as close as possible together. Hook up an empty chem barrel. Wait for it to fill. Watch as it spits out three filled barrels. Note: I didn't think to test, and I won't be able to for a while, but it might be worth looking into similar behavior with spawned trees and rocks. Priority: Low
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