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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Hoopajoop

  1. I could see AoS Outside lockdowns making sense during terror attacks or revolts, but not a whole lot else beyond that.
  2. A couple of issues with making it this easy to pay off your own bounty. It would make obtaining dark spirits as a spirit caller harder than it already is, unless you're self-extracting. Playing a bounty hunter would get stupid boring. On top of all that, it's already possible to just tell a cop you want to pay your bounty and go from there.
  3. True. I think for an idea like this to work, there needs to be a way to exclude CP from being factored into the unfun vote to begin with. So that, using numbers from Mav's example instead of pulling numbers out of my ass, the vote would be 14/27 instead of the 14/37 vote that accounts for cops.
  4. Can't disagree with you there, but I'm not fully convinced that tossing in more of the same would be the solution to that. :x
  5. I'm not totally against the idea, but to me it kinda seems that the only change more entities would bring is turning a successful raid from a one to a two pickup-box affair. Just more entities to lug around. :x The way it's set up now, all of the different money makers you can spawn are foundationally different, and that seems like a pretty solid design choice to me.
  6. Farming dark spirits isn't too bad when you self-extract, tbh.
  7. There's a bit of a cost associated with it (which there should be, if you're trying to dodge taxes), but you can "bank" money in the form of casino chips.
  8. So what is the consensus on this? 'Cause there are mayors that are still slapping down a "aos if outside during lockdown" law and initiating a lockdown that never ends.
  9. Still not 100% sure I think I see the crux of the issue here. Between the instant cuff talent, non-lethal talismans, and the higher base walk/run speed enjoyed by CP jobs, do we really need a wholly different non-lethal option to make it even easier for cops to put jaywalkers in their place?
  10. advert selling non lethal talismans 12k hmu
  11. I wouldn't be against nudging the success rate of the current taser up a smidge, but I don't know if I like how hard the ragdoll taser suggestion would tip the balance of cop vs. criminal into the cop's favor.
  12. there is a hard limit on how many hobos can be running around and mic-spamming at a time not so with ccs -1
  13. Tbh I don't think the problem lies in laws demanding AoS during lockdowns. It has more to do with lockdown reasons that have conditions that are impossible to meet in order for said lockdown to be lifted. A common one is "high crime rate", which starts self-perpetuating due to people getting arrested for being outside during a lockdown. Another one I saw yesterday was "too many citizens have illegal guns"-- lockdown was started as soon as weapons were made illegal. There weren't even any weapon checks, and no effort was made to follow up on the efficacy of the new laws. It was impossible to satisfy and lift the lockdown. Nobody has an issue with AoS lockdowns during terrorist attacks or revolts or pd raids, I don't think, 'cause there's a definite and inevitable end to those events.
  14. Title. Bonus points for working out what is and isn't a legit reason for a lockdown, 'cause it's kinda bullshit that a mayor can hold a lockdown and AoS basically the entire server indefinitely "due to the presence of illegal weapons" when so many classes start with what gets made illegal.
  15. idk CP already have a faster default run speed on top of their stun gun, i feel like adrenaline or beastials might make them way more overbearing than they already can be
  16. Also, friendly reminder that it's not only new players that would rather not have every CC carry a bludgeon without restriction. Some of us just want to play DarkRP, or talk to someone in the street, or explain the bounty list SWEP to a new player, or make use of an NPC that's not in a protected zone, etc., without having to maintain a constant paranoia of getting taken out of the game without warning or pretext. On top of that, where's this delusion that kidnapping doesn't happen anymore coming from? Play batman during peak hours sometime, your screen's gonna light up like that Christmas tree your neighbor put up too early with kidnapping alerts, and you're not gonna be able to catch a majority of them.
  17. Some interesting ideas, but my main bitch about kidnappers is how prevalent, and in a way, how invisible they can be at times. When there are a load of bludgeon CCs online it doesn't even feel like you're playing DarkRP anymore-- you're too busy making sure nobody gets behind you or that nobody's trying to knock you out from above to talk to or interact with anyone out in the open. You nearly have to maintain a constant paranoia to avoid effectively getting randomly kicked from the game for the duration of the timer. It can be anybody with any model. At least with stalker or cultists, you know what's up. +1 tho
  18. I proposed a similar idea in a different thread about this, but many people shot it down because it would necessitate giving everyone currently with a bludgeon CC a whole free CC with which to split their current kidnapping/raiding capabilities. Also it doesn't really solve the issue of there being a large and unmitigated number of kidnappers on at any given time. At that point it would just be a matter of briefly changing classes if you want to throw a hapless noob into the sewer or invent a reason to RDM someone with no consequence.
  19. you spent an awful lot of time basically saying "don't steal my hard-earned cash" when in reality it was just suga for someone not getting something confused and im fully aware of how it works, but as i mentioned earlier, when it comes to actual RL purchases that could potentially be looking at a refund-- it's not up to you and me to discuss 'cause neither of us have our hands in the financials. That's a discussion to be had with someone who's hands are in the financials, should this idea even get to that point. Which it probably won't anyway.
  20. i wouldn't sweat it a bit if they refunded the suga bb so long as everyone gets back whatever suga they spent on it, i have a really hard time believing that the server would get a reputation for stealing people's money-- especially if it followed players pushing for a change. to me that says they care more about the player experience than trying to maintain some sort of balance in an economy that can't be balanced in the first place. but yeh, like... you bought suga, not a bludgeon stop conflating the two
  21. oh well damn, if that's the case, as far as the donation shop is concerned, you spent money on suga, not a bludgeon here this whole time i thought we were talking about real-world cash refund suga bing bang boom, no real theft involved-- nobody cries foul this hard when a CC weapon or model they spent suga on gets altered or removed also, I'm not gonna argue with your emotions or personal attacks on this, bludgeons on CCs appears to be seen as an issue by a not-insignificant portion of the playerbase here on the forums alone and i don't think any amount of stomping and proclaiming "git gud" is gonna stop new players leaving over it or threads about it coming up every month or two
  22. Again, potentially a moot point entirely since the cash shop's ToS states that refunds are not offered in the first place.
  23. This argument gets downplayed is largely because the only the people that handle the server's money have a stake in it, and counters to said argument can only really be made after a lot of questions about how donations are managed are answered. Honestly, it's way over most regular player's heads. tbh i don't think a lot of people even know where to begin on that one-- as it should largely be up to the money handlers to figure out potential refunds if a cash-making donation dealio they came up with proves to later be problematic with a sizable chunk of the playerbase in the first place. It might even be a moot point entirely, since the cash shop ToS states: so idk, in that light maybe it's not so valid an argument.
  24. these discussions typically get up to around five pages or so before before petering out and no changes get made
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