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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by WTFMAJOR

  1. This is an amazing idea!


    To everyone that has replied, I feel like the bitcoin system isn't used by anyone but new players because they simply don't know what it does. And looking at a black box with a bitcoin logo slapped on it, to where it has NO setup or maintaining factor sucks
  3. Peace out man.. I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do in the future (ignore Azurion). You're a friend to me, and i've been glad to call you one even though we've had our differences in the past. See ya later man.


    The current bitcoin system doesn't measure up to any other forms of making money on the server, they are currently useless, takes forever to even make your money back. With bitcoin 2, you have to insert commands into a command module and set up generators, make sure you have enough gasoline, and upgrade each individual miner. Way better than a shitty black box with a bitcoin logo on it that we have now.
  5. +1 good shit bc hitmen have no purpose rn lol
  6. Gonna go ahead and move this to the denied section, i don't really think there needs to be a rule for everything in the motd.
  7. This gun is so bad that people don't even use it. Either remove this shit from the game or buff this hoe ?


    We should add the bitcoin 2 addon to replace the current bitcoin system that we have in the game already, that would make the mechanics more complex and more expensive, but would produce more bang for your buck in the long run. 1. Wouldn't be illegal 2. Would be raidable :)
  9. I have edited the post with some possible downsides for this implementation!
  10. Hobos should be able to click "e" on the dumpsters around the map to get random items that are average. It would have to have a cool-down time. A couple ideas of the different items it could give you would be: "You've found (random amount between 5000 - 25000) $5000 dollars while digging through the trash!" "You've found a (random gun) Winchester shotgun while digging through the trash!" "You've found a chemical barrel while digging through the trash!" "You've found a sound reducer bomb while digging through the trash!" "You've found a mini bank c4 while digging through the trash!" (RARE) "You've found a (random) talisman while digging through the trash!" Etc. A Possible downside would be that you have a 1/5 chance to be infected with ebola while digging through a dumpster. Watch out for those used needles! Another downside could be that your vision could be blurred or some kinda of side effect that would make it harder to see. Just some ideas!!
  11. lul. Quits the server because he gets told not to use the yoshi model in the rdm zone by tass and I, what a meme anyways, sad to see you go.
  12. This has been fixed with an invisible barrier.
  13. This is from a gang perk my guy..
  14. Denied during STAFF MEETING
  15. • Bounty hunter job revamped: Having target on screen like the hitman and increasing pay for each kill of bounty completed.
  16. Moving to mods/admins only as this can be abused by the player base. Thanks North for letting us know! Regards, Major
  17. Exploit Description: Players can use a vehicle and place it inside the world near the gate in the suburbs to glitch into the RDM zone How to reproduce: Priority: High
  18. https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.531944913.8717/raf,750x1000,075,t,fafafa:ca443f4786.u2.jpg[/img]
  19. Scamming is allowed up to 1 million dollars in-game cash. Can't Help you on this one. https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/lbfBXHX4Cp1xxiexAT2ZZjToNJk=/0x0:459x459/920x0/filters:focal(0x0:459x459):format(webp)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/10838073/pogchamp.png[/img]
  20. That was the plan with how I said it should be like the General Buyer, meaning that you could put the shipments from your inventory into the GUI of the NPC and the money would go straight to your wallet after you sell.
  21. The Drug and Harvest buyers should be combined into 1 single NPC that should be called the "Herb Buyer" or something along those lines and it should have a menu like the general buyer that only accepts the shipments for Opium, Cocaine, Weed, Olive, and Food, and the prices should be listed at the top instead of in chat... this way, players don't have to worry about other players stealing their shipments or money. There should also be a timer for when the prices change (or if they change every reset idk)
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