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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Cullen

  1. Can you please change the playermodel for staff on duty. The model reminds me of Neko sam's fake mod application and that's how I would look like if that mod application was accepted. It can be anything, but please change that playermodel. :D Another thing is a new map that will make cars usefull. Open the server to 10 more players, because of the increase in staff and the server is getting hard to get into.
  2. then realized that kendall is awsome, so he unbanned him; however he took away ....
  3. -20 These responses make me want to get fat, then slit my throat, which will lead to death. This is not acceptable, people like you make me want to jump in fire.
  4. I AM APPLYING FOR Interview because I am good with people :)
  5. There names are: Abyss = http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198169913883 Pinhead Larry = http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046470912 BTW I am on team speak with people, so don't mind some of the background noice [video=youtube] Fuck my life, sorry for posting in the wrong area
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