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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by samma

  1. Yeah, there have been threads like this because it seems some players just won't read the MOTD, but to be honest, if they aren't gonna read the MOTD when it pops up every single time that they log in, and can be brought up by typing up only 5 characters, they don't want to read it, and probably aren't gonna regardless of anyone's efforts (that includes Walter reading the rules, even if it may be intimidating and terrifying). If they don't read the MOTD they either get banned, warned, or warned even more until they are eventually banned from the server for a long, long time. Or who knows, maybe eventually they wise up. People should just read the MOTD when they are jailed or warned regardless. I tell people every single sit to "please read the MOTD to get a better grip on the rules or clarify anything you may be confused on." If they don't, I can't make em, but I sure as heck can shove something up their ass when they break a rule. It's a good suggestion but I just don't really think that it would fix minges bein minges.
  2. If you got 50 warns, you got 50 chances to stop breaking rules. It means that you had 50 (more probably including bans) chances to just play like a normal person, and you didn't ever do that. Someone who gets 50 warns doesn't deserve to play on the server. You yourself even said "for the first time" which insinuates that there is a readily obtainable second time, which would be the permanent ban. This also means they would have broken 15 more rules to get back to 50, hindering other people's experience 15 more times. Of course maybe not everyone would do this but if someone has 50 warns then it is MORE likely they are going to continue breaking rules, they've already gone through a week ban, a two week ban, and a month ban, and didn't stop.
  3. Yeah this has been happening to me too, I was trying to build a skybase as preacher and it kept teleporting me to kingdom over and over, was really annoying. IDK why it happens either cause it's not consistent at all.
  4. Add "request trade" to the tab menu
  5. I think this would be a welcome change for every single item which destroys props. Really sad to get a build you worked really hard on get destroyed before you're able to save it.
  6. Next time you find a bug, please use the format. Thanks for sharing the bug anyways though! https://gyazo.com/af48172cee5d9c85321bbe525a8099cc Issue will be resolved by the next reset.
  7. Bringing money to the money launderer should give you the money directly or as a check to you in order to prevent people from mass RDMing I in order to steal the money. I had to personally ban 4 people for doing this. It would also stop people from camping the spot where it spawns looking down at the floor and stealing it.
  8. I can confirm this happens, and it happens most often when I'm in sits.
  9. A Fisherman job that can fish faster and spawns with a pole. Maybe he gets more xp for fishing. Maybe he could make a fishing stand and sell fish. To go along with that, make variations of fishing poles that do different things, like some could have a higher catchrate but have a way lower chance at getting rare fish, or some vice versa. The Fisherman could sell the poles.
  10. This kind of exploit is the same as any exploit glitch, can't really fix it, but you can always do what Jawson said and report the player doing it because it's definitely a bannable offense.
  11. I think Explosive Specialist should be made a VIP job, for a while people have only RDMed with it instead of actually raiding with it.
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