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  1. Description: while sitting next to a roof as an alien, get up and youll be in the roof. quickly press the left mouse button to become a prop with the disguise swep, and go into third person. then you start to FLY!!!! How to reproduce:while sitting next to a roof as an alien, get up and youll be in the roof. quickly press the left mouse button to become a prop with the disguise swep, and go into third person. then you start to FLY!!!! Priority: quite high as you can see into peoples bases VIDEO EVIDENCE:
  2. So, whenever i go into the cc editing menu, it says something is creating script errors. The menu bugs out and piles up into a tiny square of untouchable buttons, therefore making it so i cannot edit my class. And, there is no x button to exit the menu, and suicide doesn't help. I have to dc to get back to normal game. Thanks!
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