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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Tass

  1. Equinox admitted to me saying he brought toeslurpper to buy procs. I do not disagree that Equinox was not a bad dude. He was a good staff member and a great asset yes. But he did something that no staff member should do.
  2. So, to start off, for bluh's base as it is literally a failbase. The base was made to where at the entrance of the base the defender can shoot the raider without them shooting, which is not allowed and a failbase. Bunziix had the full right to tell you to remove the base as it was indeed a failbase. From what I remember Doc has stated your base was indeed a failbase. Now onto the Equinox issue. Equinox was demoted for abusing his staff powers to bring people too and forth from base to base or to a base from somewhere else. https://plays.tv/video/5c9c5a210f465d45c9/gmod-equinox-abusing-powers At the end you can see Equinox went to Bluh for no reason and then brought toeslurpper. If this was for a actual sit like RDM, NLR, whatever rule he broke he should have brought both to sitland and done it there and NOT inside someone elses base with toeslurpper. At the beginning it shows Equinox inside the waterfall base with Mrs. Pepper, she is unrelated to this but just to give people more timeline knowledge whatever, and then going to bluh and bringing someone else without a sit. This brings out a abuse of powers argument and from the video the staff team have deemed it abuse of powers and acted accordingly.
  3. I mean, i don't really think that this is gonna be abused because of: 1. Random crashes 2. No one is gonna have 2 days worth of playtime in one sitting
  4. There isn't really anything we can do about it except in the code. The people I know only do it to like friends and like kill themselves after. I do it all the time to plutori cause they wont make love to me anymore
  5. yesss yesss now everyone has fallen into our trap. We will over run the sewer with new players and take over this server with a coup de grâce. No one will suspect a thing... we already have rats in our staff team that no one knows about. The plan is working perfectly.... muahahahahaha Hey guys whats up, yeah honestly I had some ideas on how to make it so new players would have a harder time getting raided if not can't be raided as if a dude with a 50 slot cc just breaching charges the door and then takes their printers, proc, and bitminer the only thing that would be left to do is drugs and no one knows how to do drugs.
  6. I see where this is coming from and yes very small like 1 pixel holes where the baser can snipe from is kinda dumb. Yet if being raided the Baser should have the advantage. It should be somewhat difficult to raid. But as long as the raider can shoot back and have a possibility of hitting you I don't see a problem. I myself have even been shot at through these little holes.
  7. Tass

    Admin chat system

    Making a sit saying "yo mass rdm" is not at all helpful for us.
  8. Tass

    Maze Bases

    if a maze base is made out of fences then you can also get some matt bombs that destroy fences or any one ways you can shoot out of. Matt bombs don't even take that much to make in the crafting table.
  9. So, if you continue to place hits on literally the same exact person over and over and over again it can be seen as harassment. But it's definitely not a perma ban.
  10. If you are not related to the ban appeal or report why would you need to talk in it. The reports are between the person reporting, staff, and the person being reported. Ban appeals are between the banning staff, other staff, and the person who was banned. No need to butt into a conversation that doesn't involve you. (Not meant to be directed towards you but you know what I mean)
  11. The yoshi itself has a broken hitbox to where it aims like a normal model but is small. If people are found abusing the yoshi model like this knowingly it will be dealt with by the current staff team online and then maybe later by the upper staff team. If people abuse the bug on food to where it doesn't revert unless you change models then it will be dealt with by the current staff team online.
  12. This too, when your damaged you can still jump with ziggs. This needs to be changed. Its being abused. I was punching you and you literally ziggs'ed away... yeah it is being abused. fucking stinky
  13. It should only make it to where no fall damage if it follows the master sword shit. When you get damaged you can't use it.
  14. The reason I want Darth Vader added back is another thief job, but a better weapon The other ones you disagreed with I understand. Most of your suggestions would be pretty nice tho with just a few tweaks to it.
  15. Let VIP classes be able to mug, such as master thief: Yeah i can get behind this. But only like thief VIP classes. More ocean jobs, such as scuba diver who can KOS shark and crabs and vice versa: I like the idea of a scuba diver that is like a underwater treasure hunter. But the KOS'ing sharks and crabs is kind of dumb. Allow Cripz and Bloodz to KOS each other, most of the people who go those jobs do it anyway: I mean yeah I wouldn't mind this but if you shoot other people and they get angry then we got a problem. Allow people to snipe to support raids: No Have a way to sell the airboat: Yeah that would be a good idea that we should have had at the beginning. More secret areas, most are already known and therefore useless: I find that most secret areas are just useless cause of their size. Make some sort of rule which doesn't allow people to just snipe every single kidnapper, it just annoys players: Just don't kidnap in common places like fountain or right under pd. More involvement with /write, such as contracts: Eh Lawyer class that makes it so anyone about to be arrested for over 2 minutes can call for a court case and have lawyers and Judge Gabe: This could be good rp but might confuse new players who play gabe. Allow arrested people to be able to punch the vent to escape: Yeah I could see this if we gave arrested people fists. Allow hobos to raid but only in the sewer: Hobos should not raid. Allow sewer Lord to raid bases in the sewer: I mean yeah he is the sewer lord. Add back Darth Vader: Was Darth Vader just a dude with a lightsaber? Specify that Gandalf cant just mass rdm: Havoc doesn't mean RDM so no need for it. Gang talent which allows you to be able to steal 50% of a cheque: What use would this have? Printers simply die after one hourish as some people just raid newer players, steal their printers, and make it so nobody can raid their base. Therefore discouraging newer players to base: I might suggest some stuff for making raiding a little bit more challenging so that more people base to get money. Add a rule which button abusing, like pressing a button to stop someone lock picking then closing it again: That should be FDA and I hope I don't actually need to clarify that in the motd.
  16. its a bug with the growth burgers, sugar is aware. To change it all I have to do is swap jobs or at least I could fix it by doing that on the small burger shit.
  17. How is your thirdperson like that xd and that person is like everyone at my school
  18. /advert mug yeah gimmie 100$ or you get clumped foo
  19. I would just experiment on a the chef job if you dont know anything.
  20. while its true that just with a little corner of the keypad its still usable, what if the person is playing on a laptop.... and doesnt have a numpad ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You have to have a FULLY ACCESSIBLE KEYPAD for that person to PRESS EVERY BUTTON
  21. !ms is for the models you yourself have perms to not for what the cc has
  22. Just remember that there has to be a keypad for each cell that allows that person to interact with EACH button, not just half of it.
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