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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Mori

  1. Sugar fix pls we want to make op cc ecks xd
  2. Twat Twat You are like almost 80 right? Kappa Ok..... Thanks 000f yungbull boopers mid 40s shut up evan you ugly giraffe looking ass Mega Twat
  3. Mori

    Sup Boys

    Suicide Prevention line required
  4. Even tho I bully you (Kidnap many times) Thanks bud
  5. Twat I will try <3 I am becoming Blacnova v2
  6. Fak off you twat Same to you TWAT Damn yall cant raid "Less of a kid" not "I am no longer a kid" :thinking:
  7. Well if yall didn't know my birthday is tomorrow so yeah I am turning 14 as many as the salty people I met thought I was 12 or 10 or 9 whatever but now I am 14 and yeah cool woo happy birthday me. (I am OMG Silver btw)
  8. Yeah you fixxed it someone close dis pls or i will bow you
  9. Bug Desc: You hear random people across map How To reproduce: Just play the god damn server ( https://gyazo.com/fd4d0a7b9d15701c637aeb44a41e19ac) Proitory: Low
  10. Mori

    Alchemy Table Bug

    Lol I hate when like stuff gets cut out like it is so ann...........................................................................
  11. Mori


    You missed the part where you are dating Kalaysta
  12. Mori Me Silver Sliegh bells
  13. Stem name: Mori Me Ig neme - Silver Sleight Bells +rep Formus Star maniac
  14. Mori

    Losing inv

    I lost mine also r.i.p.
  15. Well so.... Skipper was on the gonna be permed ban so he had the bright idea to do a court and blacnova was like great. THE PD Court so we had a full trial that was so stupid and long and the Verdict was... Watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbNcVRHPN-s&feature=youtu.be We should do this for all perm bans that can be avoided with soild evidence. The Verdict was a one month ban if you didn't want to watch the video
  16. I am late huh well happy later birthday
  17. Can confirm me and b0ne were having a wtf moment
  18. Mori


    Well A1Sauce got banned he was OG Bot dumbass and 21savage's ult xd https://gyazo.com/85548980f77bba1cff86239ab968912e Rip xd get rekt son
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