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{GN} Isaac


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by {GN} Isaac

  1. Emily What is your steam name? Gn Isaac What is your in-game name? Gn Isaac What is your discord username? Gn Isaac How old are you? 15 Why do you want the Boonana Eater role? I want to be in boonana eater cuz I really like the people that are in this and I want to be apart of this crew. And it seems fun to be in . Do you understand abusing of the Boonana Eater role will have you demoted? Yes I fully understand that Do you know who Booper and/or Panduh is? Yes ik who these people are they are my B.B.
  2. Why a video? It's simple to follow 8 steps unless you're a dummy. Well I’m a dummy so we need a vid plz :)
  3. Respect to you Bb:) I love you I look up to you man
  4. By you doing this and acting out like this you will definitely not be getting accepted cuz you clearly don’t WNAT to put in the work So you don’t derseve the role, we want a staff member that is willing to work hard for This role
  5. Damn it I wish I could be there but I’m with my dad god damn it when will the next one be ?
  6. I call you noob cuz what ever tf you typed hurt my brain :)
  7. Okay here is the thing us staff take sits we do some staff don’t they just sit around going afk but. We do take sits The problem is that the majority of the users here call us for sits that you guys can resolve and another thing that makes us mad and we will not take your sit is if you spam admin chat or chat alone . 90% percent of the users here spam chat trying to get admins to take there sit. The users the follow the sit rules and wait patiently cuz they know we are busy always get thete sit taken. A lot of sits do get taken you guys don’t see it but they do. The sits that don’t get taken are the ones who don’t like to follow the rules or like to think of us as your sit slave.
  8. True I thgout this was in bug reports I will move this thread to bug thread
  9. I thought if you get s refund you get perma? That’s why I never Asked
  10. Hmmm last time I checked I’m still mod and I’m not on here :(
  11. {GN} Isaac


    Boope Your resign again hahaha you told me your staying next time I’m going to bet money on you :)
  12. Vexy and all the other staff that are trying to bring this guy done are dicks don’t try to bring him down he is trying to help okay he might of put his link to his channel but it was for a good reason he helps more than you so DOnt go and try to bring him down +rep for you man :)
  13. That's nice. Its my server, my rules. It's not going to be allowed just because where you're from you can call everyone a nigga (strangers or friends) without repercussions. Go make your own server where you can say any derogatory term freely and watch what you attract. Naz I dare you to go in the hood talking like how you be talking and see what happenes or in general talk to someone like that you’ll end dead smh i live in the hood pussy thats how we talk theres nothing racist about it Naz you don’t live in the FUCKEN hood pussy boy come where. Am and I will show you what the hood is Stop acting like you so tough and JAUT follow the rules
  14. That's nice. Its my server, my rules. It's not going to be allowed just because where you're from you can call everyone a nigga (strangers or friends) without repercussions. Go make your own server where you can say any derogatory term freely and watch what you attract. Naz I dare you to go in the hood talking like how you be talking and see what happenes or in general talk to someone like that you’ll end dead smh
  15. Sugar will never do that since he spent $$$ on a map just to change it How much you think it will cost
  16. I think should change the map to evoil city or whatever that map is called cuz it’s a big map and like you can have like cars And other cool stuff I think that would make the sever a little more fun :)
  17. Hey panduh aren’t you staff or correct me wrong but stop acting like a dick and start acting like a staff member ??
  18. I think you would need to have a consistent supply of something to form an addiction, or any at all for that matter. Smh
  19. HI! GN ISAAAAAC here. Just so I can get to know you guys better, tell me a bit about yourselves. Here I'll start: 15 Freshman in High School Just got a 420 on the SAT (im a freshman so it isnt that bad) I have all F’s I am addicted to PUSSY Most hated kid on Tits xD Outgoing and Kind person *cough* titsrp mascot *cough* Makes threads where the community flames the living shit out of him jewel NOW GO DOWN AND REP ME YOU HOE
  20. In my opinion just like I said I don’t think this decision should be made by a poll like I think the higher ups should just talk it out and you Guys make the decision cuz tbh this choice should not be up to us. It should be up the higher ups ,I think this thread should be closed and you guys make your decision Half of this thread is just people fighting and just really not helping at all :/ Just my opinion:) I get where your coming from I have not been as active as I was when I was in middle school cuz of high school and JUst how many test there are and work it’s a lot I’ll be more active Just need to finish this stuff to ::) so I feel you blacnova :(
  21. This ain’t a place to be fighting so stop acting like little kids and shut up
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