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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. yo hit me up i want to join i want to destroy those new people! (no offense lool) (it me sirenfall if u dont remember from olden days we were friends) Wow a user that has played on the server for 48 hrs thinks they can destroy other new people. Not even zek could do that. The fuck you just say I was inactive last year for half the year and I am back plus you shouldn't be talking shit yo hit me up i want to join i want to destroy those new people! (no offense lool) (it me sirenfall if u dont remember from olden days we were friends) Wow a user that has played on the server for 48 hrs thinks they can destroy other new people. Not even zek could do that. The fuck you just say I was inactive last year for half the year and I am back plus you shouldn't be talking shit It matters who joined first so yeeeeeeedeeseddee [video=youtube]
  2. yo hit me up i want to join i want to destroy those new people! (no offense lool) (it me sirenfall if u dont remember from olden days we were friends) Wow a user that has played on the server for 48 hrs thinks they can destroy other new people. Not even zek could do that.
  3. I'm sorry, but no. Saying only the king can make the gate has some logic to it, but it's honestly not even a good rule. There is no gain from only the king being able to make the gate, zero benefits. Are you serious? TitsRP has always been extremely lenient towards building, just because a poll to remove one-ways fails, doesn't mean you should just go after other aspects of our basing code, please stop. Bruh. That is ridiculous, you can't just ban a base. The only way I would accept this rule is if we got a cinema plugin, which is useless in my opinion. Eh, sure I'll say we can keep one-ways, I'd rather completely get rid of them. But it's no big deal if we keep them. I like them if I'm being honest. I want this feature ridiculously bad, Sugar please. No, god no, old C4 was cancer. The fact that the only reponse you can give me is "Its always been like this lets not change it" is boggling my mind 1 why i want king to only be the one making the entrance its to make it less op.10 people mega basing with 150+ props is unraidable add a crouch only base and you got cancer. 2.Does not mean something has been the same way for ever thats its good.Crouch bases are extremely cheap and op. The fact that we can build a base in a theater is retarded.We shouild add a job that is using the theater.Not base in it. I agree and disagree with reviving the old C4,Id say instead of reviving it make it so it ghost's the props for a longer period of time I thought crouch bases are allowed, just ones that exploit the head glitch are not is what i thought were not allowed.
  4. Riot shield for few cps(cops classes) to make it easier for them to raid bases with one way props.
  5. No not for that rule for some of the other, yes.
  6. Quality of Life Description: "If you don't have anything real to add to an appeal, report, or application, do not reply (up to discretion of the staff member, although warning may be revoked if higherup finds it unnecessary) - 1 week warning for 30% and deletion of post" I think that is forum rule is too broad and too subjective, that could be easily abused. It should be more defined and with some examples so people do not accidentally break this rule without intending to. How to reproduce: https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=1847 Priority: Medium
  7. That is why should always record when you play, so you can make a report later.
  8. Maybe it the handturret swep, it's still makes guns invisible, it could have other glitches to it?
  9. I get what you are implying, we should increase amour for all cp and lower the amour for jug, so the jug isnt required to be on the cp for the cp to be an efficient squad,and i like your idea of giving him a semi shotgun.
  10. I understand were you are comming from, but with the recent shit pd is doing with the stops and the 20 people on the server pd is already stupidly hard to raid. Yea but revolters can easily outnumber the cp, in theory everyone on the server can be a revolter at the same time, plus not all cp stay in the pd or are there to stop raids.
  11. I think thats the point of the jug, so pd isnt easy to raid , plus its vip only and voted job.
  12. Sugar already said he would not add the wiremod back again because it was too resource intensive
  13. Hopefully he adds the zek class in the next update.
  14. how do you change it? do /hitprice
  15. They have been kinda broken for a while. I remember shooting a pet with a sniper 5 times, and getting direct hit each time on them, while getting hit feedback of blood splatters and not doing a single damage from any of hits.
  16. well mine was the same height as a normal pm with a normal pm hit box and sugar made me switch the pm
  17. Good point, im fine with that as long as I can build checkpoints or defense structures.
  18. Will there be a casino for the gambler to use on the new map?
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