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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. The current xp rate for the Necromancer is really bad. The base amount of xp it gives you is 1xp and 3x job xp and double xp buff you get 7 total xp. Besides that it's for only if you revive a person and not just each time you hit a gravestone which is like 1/5 chance for it to happen.


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  2. 11 hours ago, Yung PussyBanger said:

    its too hard to sell things from your inventory that you need another button to do it for you? this is another form of laziness.

    Make this person head admin already, they already have the Walter The Assulter attitude!!





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    • point 1
  3. On 8/22/2024 at 11:32 PM, watchmojo said:

    The British Embassy will conquer Downtown Titsrp and revive Great Britain! No matter how much cops raid the embassy with no warrants, we will not back down! We will rise! spacer.png


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  4. 18 minutes ago, goodnight said:

    It's crazy that you say this because the person that encouraged me to make this post, who manipulated me is now using my venting against me, and is being transphobic all in the same post. I think I have every right to tell him to go to hell. You might not care about anyone but yourself and your group, but some people have empathy. 

    True, just remove the all the staff and launch the sugar ai admin that been in development  for years now, I cant do any worse then some of current/previous tmods.

  5. Since there is lack of variety of jobs especially legacy jobs I think there needs to be a legacy job that is called rammus that is based off of Rammus from league of legends.

    1. Passive ability: takes 60% reduce damage 
    2.  Has a swep/ability that when used makes rammus have 90% damage reduction and does 50% damage back to the attacker that last for like 30 seconds and has a cooldown and its visible when they have it activated.
    3. Rammus cant use weapons other than their fists, they also are equipped with a lockpick and a keypad cracker


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  6. There should be a new type of currency that lets you buy old broken sweps/weapons like hound eye and shazam swep. If not maybe just exclusive swep/weapons that you can only obtain using this currency. That has a very small chance like less than 1% of dropping from activities like events, raiding pd/bank, crafting legendary weapon, and so on.


    • Like 1
  7. An evil genius gang leader with a minion job that other players can join.

    1. They have a dedicated base in the  building on the island in the ocean part of the map.

    2. They get random missions that the gang leader can pick from that will give the gang members the appropriate swep/weapon that they have to use on x amount of players for example:

      1. Banana swep: drop a banana Peel when a player walks over them. They fall and their player model ragdolls. 

      2. Glue gun: a gun that does no damage but slows player for 30 seconds or more.

      3. Posin dart: shoots a dart that distorts the player's screen for 10 seconds and makes the player move randomly.

      4. Balloon swep:a swep if used on the player attaches a Balloon to the player, remakes it so they can't move and lifts the player to the top of the map then pops and drops the player.

      5. Troll bomb:  when used it will drop a bomb disguised as a random entity such as lootbox or sbc cannon. When a player press on the entity it explodes.

    3. Completing these missions will give an exclusive currency to the gang leader that dose not reset if they swap off of it and that the next person that becomes the gang leader can use it. It only resets after the server resets.

    4. This currency can be used by the gang leader to buy different events/upgrades such as:

      1. Weather machine: spawns a machine in the base that makes it permanently night on the server until it is destroyed.

      2. Nuke: spawns a nuke that explodes after 30 mins. It notifies everyone on the server about the event. When the nuke explodes it kills everyone on the server and disables bitcoin miners, printers, and processors. If the computer in the evil genius's dedicated base that the gang leader uses to spawn events is destroyed, it stops the nuke from going off.

        1. Just idea but have the map change to a version of the titsrp map that looks like it's been hit by a nuke. That has exclusive jobs to the map such as an irradiated monster that's kills anyway above ground that is pretty much the sewer overlord class. An expanded underground part of the map and move spawn underground.  Double the limit for printers, processors, and btc miners since if anyone was basing before the nuke went off they would have lost any entities that they didn't own. Have exclusive features to the map such as the treasure hunter having very small chance of finding a t3 loot box instead of a treasure chest. Also have a radiation system for if you let your ration bar fill which is about 10 mins of radiation that you can only get from being on the surface of the map and not underground it will instantly kill you but goes down gradually over time.

      3. Base upgrades:
        1. such as ability to buy turrets that will automatically kill players that are not part of the gang of near them

        2. Underwater mines around the base that will explode if any ship or player is near them.

        3. Upgrades the front door to turn into a vault door that needs to be destroyed to get into the base that can't be lock picked. It doesn't take alot damage from gun but you need use explosives or a blow torch to do a lot of damage to it. Unlocks the bottom part of the base which larger open space to build a base in.

      4. An earthquake event that shakes players screens  for 30 seconds that has a chance to spawn goons after or treasure chests.

      5. Plague event that is like normal Corona sickness you can get on the server but does more damage and requires you cure it to get rid of it. Also it gives it to everyone on the server.

      6. A gravity machine that reduces the gravity on the server to it being like the gravity on the moon.

      7. Special pd revolt that can be activated while the normal revolt is on cooldown that lets the gang leader pick the next mayor. 

      8. Lightning storm event that will last 30 mins that will make multiple lighting strikes every 30 seconds that has a decent chance of hitting a player outside that ignites them and does damage to them.

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    1. build turrets that can be upgraded that can shoot through chain fences 
    2. The turret has upgrade options of elements you can upgrade that has different types of debuffs when they shoot a player
    3. build an emp tower that will disable c4 in a limited range if its near it and has a cooldown, that can also be upgraded.
    4. Job that can only be used by a player to solo base since most people that base. Base in large groups and isn't worth basing solo.

    • Like 2
  8. 40 minutes ago, Booper Scooper said:

    TitsRP Community Meeting Info


    Hi forum dwellers. In case y'all haven't seen, there will be an upcoming community meeting.



    April 22nd, 2023 @ 7 PM EST.



    TitsRP Discord

    When you join the discord, be sure to click on the 'interested' button on the event's page to be notified (not required but it'd be dope to see the amount)




    I love Bill's Cock

    Thank you booper for listening to my suggestion on bringing them back.

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    • uhoh 1
  9. 2 hours ago, PurifyingOne said:

    Since we have batman it would make sense to have the Joker or another villain that goes against batman. Like a job that can combat what batman does. 

    Good suggestion, someone suggested this years ago to sugar and and he was down to add it, I don't know why hasn't yet. 

  10. 7 hours ago, BearPaws said:

    I don't really see why this should be implemented or who it would really benefit. If you don't win at coin flips just don't coin flip

    I mean anyone that doesn't have hundred of millions to waste on coinflips so about 80% of the server.


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