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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by HotShot26

  1. People are too lazy to read this to learn the rules So I went ahead and did it for you guys. Please know these rules before getting in trouble for stupid reasons! I wanted to die reading this all out loud. Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxVbnytoZ80&feature=youtu.be
  2. Dude +1 for 4-5 it is a great job
  3. Description: If some one is a hobo or has props for a base you can easily use props to get in with the precision tool. How to reproduce: Make a prop wall and make another pop that is long and you can sit on (The guys uses a couch when I saw them do it) then use your tool gun to push it into the wall while someone sits on the other end using the precision tool. Priority: medium / high
  4. HotShot26

    Rip 7 mil

    Said the same thing
  5. HotShot26

    Rip 7 mil

    I saw this happen and even gave him the thing from the logs of him dropping the money, this did happen and I even talked to him and waffle.
  6. Few things, 1) Did you want to stay in the roof? 2) When did this happen (i've done like 110 sits today) 3) How is this my fault? you did not even say what I did and honestly I forgot I'm sorry you got raided I truly am but I do no see how this is my fault Answer these questions for me I would like to know more so I can not do this next time.
  7. I would like to suggest a keypad log for admin sits... When I am dealing with FDA cases it is almost impossible to tell unless there is video proof.
  8. Quality of Life Description: I found a way to drop below 0 cash in the server How to reproduce: Play a chess game and eager all of your money and than participate in a lottery, after that if you lose the chess game you will drop below 0 for the amount the lottery was Priority: Low Me having 0$: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_6lPWq34Y8&feature=youtu.be
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_6lPWq34Y8&feature=youtu.be I hit -12k on the server send help http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=873218150
  10. I do not know what it was but I am now able to get back on!
  11. Hotpissdrinker added to the class for only 10k (Not edit perms but we can use it) Video of him doing it down below! (thought it was a scam but it was not!!!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28zfVDm9woA&feature=youtu.be He just told me it was only for one day D:::::::::::::::::::::
  12. Bug Description: if you are kidnapped you can pull out a gun if you do it before the 30 seconds end How to reproduce: Get kidnapped and hit C to open inventory. Priority: Medium New info found!!! if you die knocked out you re spawn knocked out < how to duplicate and description Priority: Low
  13. Priority Medium When you are being kidnapped before you are let free to move you can open your inventory still. If you hit use on a shipment it will let you pull out that gun and shoot the guy that got you even though you are supposed to be unarmed.
  14. 1) I did try just because I went to see if I can get help does not mean i'm going to stop trying myself 2) I see this as a way for others with the same problem to gain insight on how to fix it for them selves
  15. To anyone having the problem all you need to do: JUST LOAD COUNTER-STRIKE: SOURCE It is not I just wanted a sugestion but I fixed it
  16. So i got a virus with steam where it keeps spamming my contacts with the link to download the same virus... I needed to stop this so I uninstalled steam. I rejoin the server and I can not see the sidewalks or other small things that do not matter as much. So I looked ta the !help menu and the "Missing textures" tab did not help, there was some thing saying web space is no longer available and it get suggested links witch also did not lead anywhere.
  17. I changed my name on steam because on my mod app like two people said to but my name never changed here? I want to know if this is a problem with everyone of just me?
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