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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by HotShot26

  1. I do not code lua but I assume it says you are dead or alive?
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEa6EcqV6Ig&feature=youtu.be First time I have seen this rule used, Some guy found my YT and wanted to be in a vid so I did this XD.
  3. Many of the mods are pretty obviously friends with each other or seem to +1/-1 based on stupid reasons or they dont even state a reason for +1/-1ing in the actual post. The whole thing with Geanie is a pretty good example. He got reported by like 3 people and a Tmod without much evidence but there was some log evidence of propminge and advdupe abuse. He later abused commands in an event and tped me then damaged me. I was unable to make a report at the time annd could not access logs to get evidence of the TP abuse/damage so I asked a mod for help. The report then got denied for "witch hunt" despite the fact that there was solid log evidence of wrongdoing and a long history of abuse/demotions. He has been a Tmod for quite a while now and has been demoted before and paid for mod. Well I agree with geanie if we are being honest, all staff are not perfect, you should have took a screen shot of the deny message and made a report talking about the context I do have to agree not all staff are good but unless you report them you are also not helping the situation. If we are being honest, I have no personal grudge on you and I hope after this you can behave and not hate my but you need to do your part on bad staff and you also need to accept if you do something wrong. Sugar can not find all badmins if you reported him it would help you and the server.
  4. You literally noclipped through a wall and deleted an ent as mayor. Fuck off. Did you really -1 him for leaving his opinion a post?
  5. I feel like I was reading the bible
  6. I do not know if this was intended or not but I feel high is a little much, I mean there are way more OP weapons even if this is easy to get.
  7. Love this but you can fine 100% of the bounty.
  8. HotShot26


    100% what I was thinking rules like that
  9. HotShot26


    Does going the the PD during a revolt count as a pd raid, meaning can they raid the PD after going in on the revolt.
  10. HotShot26


    So I got in a sit and was wondering because in the MOTD there is no section on the revolt so I just wanted to ask for the MOTD: Raiding Cooldown: There is no cooldown but you cannot raid the same person again within 20 minutes is in the MOTD So if this is the case can you raid after going in the PD during a revolt? the word revolt is in the MOTD 0 times so I think this needs to be updated.
  11. Cullen wrong format on a discussion forum. BOI also no this is bad, b0ne did say sorry but he kind of needs to know the rules, in the MOTD it says warns can be verbal or adverted...
  12. You need to host more family feud, enough said.
  13. I am posting this in Mod/ADMINS only because this glitch is game breaking. Exploit Description: If you have cosmetics with the material used to see past the black walls with the "glow affect" you can see past them. How to reproduce: Use cosmetics with the reddish wavy pattern and you can see into bases https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXyv5_FzSDc&feature=youtu.be Priority: VERY HIGH!
  14. Bug Description: When you switch jobs of weapon mod you keep your weapon forges. How to reproduce: Go weapon mod, buy a forge, switch off job. Priority: Medium
  15. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=888110587 LOOK AT IT!
  16. Reproduce means how to test it to see what you mean, like how do you do it in game now what to do to fix it.
  17. just learn people think staff are parents, most of us are teenagers they like to bitch for no reason. Just learn to put your foot down.
  18. Too much I can not read all that. -1 for introduction.
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