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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by HotShot26

  1. OR he can just be his friend thinking we will promote on the spot ;^)
  2. When an app gets accepted it gets put in a place that only MOD+ can see to prevent cheating.
  3. Moist Chicken ( 7 ) - Last updated Yesterday, 02:36 AM Negative (-1): Makes Bad RPG's. Always being a minge to my friends Guess what my vote was :D.
  4. If you admin ADMIT (my god I am dumb) you are shit at your job, just stop.
  5. This is not a bug why did you post it here? The Quality of life tag is for bugs that make game play less fun that are bugs for example boom boxes not working.
  6. I think VIP needs more, but not this kind of more, maybe make some new VIP jobs that actually make money and are not just stupid rule set. Only Darth Vader minges and jugger is used for VIP.
  7. From what I have gained from being staff to estimate: 70% of players play without knowing the rules. 27% are regulars that know the rules. 2% just minge. 1-3% just like to mass RDM/RDA Of the bans for arresting cops it is usual FAILRP and common sense issues. Most of the RDA reports even the COP ON COP crimes are just people arresting the people closest to them for the sake of doing so.
  8. If I am right I will shit myself but 2/27/38 JUST YOU WAIT!
  9. Who plays minecraft? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss-vrKHZOeE
  10. HotShot26


    3 no love for steve, too kinda bad but not really bad but still kinda bad. Hope we have a better bunny hunting season then last year, I did not see the rabbit once.
  11. HotShot26


    If you read I said my brother turned off my WIFI. PART 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYFc-ipAhVQ (I hope my brother does not fuck this up)
  12. HotShot26


    I am live buying 1000+ blood (not self supply my friend will buy later) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0RWDmpil6k Watch fast will not be live forever. Update, brother killed my wifi like the cunt he is, stream is off.
  13. As kappa said PM SUGAR do not make a post Sugars link CLOSED.
  14. HotShot26


    New cars might come soon.
  15. HotShot26


    I do not like the concept, I would prefer to see some more RP.
  16. HotShot26


    I would like to say parties can not be an RP situation enough to get involved and counter here is why: So if one party member in party A starts a hit on a member in party B with this rule this puts the parties at war because they are ALL trying to counter the hit or help the hit. OR If A member in party A starts a PD raid the cops can arrest the other party members without them raiding the PD. If there was a rule saying parties are not RP relations and NOT ENOUGH TO COUNTER: It would enable more serious RP It would make less player RDM reports on a party member countering It would solve many loop holes like the ones above It would make it more fun and seem more like role play and not get RDM'd | CALL ADMIN | REPEAT.
  17. Where did all the communism flags and jokes come from? they are getting more and more common and I do not like it.
  18. Format please, if you do not fix in reasonable time it will be closed.
  19. Too many people do not know how to do this so I made a video on it, mind the cold. Video
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