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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by HotShot26

  1. He had bought bit miners and printers from many people earlier, I do not know if he still HAD the entities.
  2. Well as of now it IS allowed and it should STAY ALLOWED. it makes it so you really need to trust the people you base with.
  3. I saw this a week or two ago and users can not use it (I let a player I know hold it in admin land and try).
  4. Welcome to the server man.
  5. -snip- What the heck is a reply format This is it: What ever.
  6. The story said "a god by the name of Blacnova" where did Cullen come from?
  7. The irony kills me XD
  9. Is this thread broken? Can sugar not see it? BUMPED You are not allowed to bump threads over 1 week old.
  10. Is this really a bug? I feel like if it was otherwise it would be too OP ie if someone is getting raided with 3 people on their head.
  11. If you are leaving bring me something back man that shit is always fire.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCdTWsro6Lw&feature=youtu.be ME and a cop went and RP'd together.
  13. It was 720p60 Oh... Either way we dont need that shit 420 is fine xD it is 480 not 420
  14. Ew. Edit out the parts people ignore you good tip. Another idea, do not freeze up just to get HD go for the 480 is it will improve the fluidness of the video. ALSO DO NOT NOCLIP THRU HOUSES TO GET TO A SIT! Also do not noclip for RP reasons / for your video like at 5:15 Also do not noclip across a public area as it looks abusive and bad like at 10:57 You also did both of these at 11:11
  15. Yo my name is Quarel Polinese I am totally new to TITSRP! if anyone wants to show me the ropes I am ready to buckle down to work and bang out a couple of lessons on the know hows of the server is you are catching my drift.
  16. I was just watching my name pop up in chat the whole time.
  17. I know big words to like HippopotomonstrosesquiPPedaliophobia.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSZHxy3zZr8&feature=youtu.be basically grav gun it and shake it around a prop that is owned by someone as seen in the video.
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