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Lord Cursed


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Lord Cursed

  1. You have my full respect, not alot of people will actually apologize for being in the wrong due to pride or justing being an asshole. At least you showed you can be mature enough to do the responsible thing.
  2. The third Reich Approves of the dead memes and welcomes you to heck I mean titsrp, you can never leave now Sugar now owns your soul.
  3. But zek, half the server loves me but the other half wants to murder me :( No HIDDEN I want to murder you cause you're a furry and Griffin it is definitely a scam
  4. When CC's die to jug's I get demoted for stroking my ego.
  5. They're staff don't question their logic. You really -repped me because I asked if it should be in general discussion. Wow. That's another level of petty bs. You would know all about the petty behavior wouldn't you Kalysta. I just do it for shits and giggles the -rep They're staff don't question their logic. You really -repped me because I asked if it should be in general discussion. Wow. That's another level of petty bs. Look at my rep page, borderline rep bombing xd One day we will get me to zek level of -100 rep lmao and plus it's fun
  6. They're staff don't question their logic.
  7. Lord Cursed

    hey guys

    sounds kinda gay... hey guys It's only gay if you don't swallow.
  8. Even if you took away CC's which alot of people paid into you would have to return what they paid for cause alot of them paid real money and having a cc is literally showing you worked hard for it or showing off literally taking what sugar tits said oh so long ago to heart is just wow, who hurt you seriously let it go cc's is probably either the one of the main incomes of the server or second. All of your cc models has nice tits
  9. The major reason why he wants it changed sugar is him and his gang would literally mass kidnap people and repeatedly do it over and over again and the only counters were coming and technically it is an rp thing in rl a person would either attack or kill a kidnapper if seeing him/her kidnapping so logically speaking it is an rp situation. I agree cause most of the people who have blundgeons on their cc mass kidnapp for example the rare gang I can watch them for hours literally mass kidnapping people over and over again for no reason just cause I they can
  10. The major reason why he wants it changed sugar is him and his gang would literally mass kidnap people and repeatedly do it over and over again and the only counters were coming and technically it is an rp thing in rl a person would either attack or kill a kidnapper if seeing him/her kidnapping so logically speaking it is an rp situation. I agree cause most of the people who have blundgeons on their cc mass kidnapp for example the rare gang I can watch them for hours literally mass kidnapping people over and over again for no reason just cause I they can I agree cause most of the people who have blundgeons on their cc mass kidnapp for example the rare gang I can watch them for hours literally mass kidnapping people over and over again for no reason just cause I they can
  11. Kidnapping was majorly unbalanced. Now it's only somewhat unbalanced, still in favor of the kidnapper. I feel like it should stay the way it is helps prevent mass kidnapping of people from certain individuals who spend their whole time repeatedly kidnapping people over and over again this way anyone can save them from the kidnapping gives them a 50/50 chance instead of letting the kidnappers kidnap a large portion of a server just for shits and giggles
  12. Well spent 5k on you race. MmmmMmmmmm very well spent
  13. This model is what eddih was using when told obviously didnt care gave the remark its the owners sooo ya but you can't really even shoot at the thing evidence [video=youtube]
  14. Oh don't say that you want some steam hot sticky rep too
  15. I heard someone talking shit about my boy iepic
  16. Do you even lift bro. Lmao hopefully you remember this from yesterday
  17. I remember one time in middle school I was in health class literally puking and felt like I was on fire so the health teacher took my temperature and it read 103 so she escorted me to the school nurse which happened to be some sex as fuck nurse but all she was doing was talking on her phone she half ass checked me like full on checked my temperature and had me lay down mind you it was impossible cause I was vomiting at this point I was just dry heaving then she says I seem to be ok probably faking it and I can go back to class so I barely manage to get up out of the little bed thing they have and walk half way to my class before I pass out in the hallway which mind you was right in front of the administration office she heard the thud I guess all I know the next day later that nurse was fired. But I was apparently faking have a really bad case of the flu per the ER I woke up in
  18. so you can break the economy more by going by oh it's a new bank manager so I have zero cool down and also people would abuse this and literally mass rdm all they have to do is call hiest and bam you got a mass rdm cause for one person who just wants to kill. hence the cause with pd raid when people get warned for rdm when they kill people outside when calling a pd raid
  19. There already is. per piklas who has been raiding the bank all day people who get angry and switch and another bank manager he raids them immeditely without having to wait on cooldown i believe his words were the bank is on the person not the entity so the cool down is only on the manager so if there is a new one there isnt a cool down which is technically breaking the economy
  20. Cool down on bank aka !hiest no matter if the bank manager was changed per piklas who can raid infinitely amount of times with no cool down what so ever all that person needs is a new bank manager and he can raid every time constantly minging the bank. this should be added cause I witness every time a new bank manager was made he bee lined striaght towards their base. Honestly I feel it should be a cool down for like pd
  21. Legit same I went to other servers and had no problems my WiFi is litterally good like I can download 20 gb games in mere minutes
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