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Walter the Assaulter


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Walter the Assaulter

  1. Clan symbol is temporary, I just randomly grabbed this because I wanted a fucking eyeball here. ~The Brotherhood~ (Sisters welcome, I guess) Mission Statement: To promote the worth and well-being of all TitsRP community members, I hereby found and declare this group, to be commonly known as The Brotherhood. Our mission is to ensure a more fun playing environment for all users possible, through open and free enrollment, group events and discussion, and effective use of group resources. Clan Description: Don't purposefully bring harm to group members* and allies. This is our one required rule. This is the most important part of this group, we are a clan of users banding together to become stronger than we could be individually. Try your best to assist our group members and announced allies in base defense and self-defense. This is a suggested rule. You won't get kicked out for ignoring it, but seriously it's not hard just shoot them. We have no restrictions on CP or criminal role play. Criminals and PD may assist each other in certain functions such as defense, *but the PD may not break any laws for criminals or blatantly allow criminals to break laws because that would break server rules. At this time, we respectfully decline to acknowledge any form of "enemy" declaration. We will not target specific groups, and will only act in self defense in cases of large-scale gang attacks. Our only enemies are individuals, regardless of gang affiliation, that chose to betray the group. When I figure out what our hidden purpose is, I'll reveal it. Feel free to request to join. Users who violate literally the one rule we have will be banned from the group. Enrollment is open and free, pending group master approval to prevent banished or extremely undesirable users (think Zek) from abusing group privileges. Our group will include optional objectives, missions, and events that will aim to create fun role play styles for members to try out among other things. We got secrets. Trust the eye. I guess our tag is just [bH] until the update. Additional Information: Group events may include, but are not limited to: Forms of suggested role play (Vigilante, Military, Drug Cartel) Raid events with prizes. Stalk and raid our betrayers day. Or week. Or year. We will come for you. Apprenticeship. I give out free shit. Maybe I'll build a carnival or something I dunno. You think I give a fuck? Events will be announced...somehow. Depends on how big we get. Might be updated below or I'll make a post in discussion if we have that many people at that point. There is an administrator-set precedent for deleting and warning flame/off-topic posts. Group Members: Walter the Assaulter Allied Gangs: The Bourne Alliance [Mutual Non-Aggression, Mutual Non-Theft] The Dark Carnival [Mutual Non-Aggression, Mutual Safe Haven, Mutual Protection Upon Request] Banished: [None]
  2. I think Sugar said he wouldn't do m9k because of a huge performance hit. That's why he removed FA:S 2.
  3. Common sense rule got removed. It's common sense. Try getting some. Actually, yeah, I think they can't. There was a whole thread about that a few months ago. I'll try to find it. Edit: Couldn't find it.
  4. The 2500-5000 range is for murder or kidnapping. Fining for 5k is saying that owning a pistol is the same as taking a life. Fining 10k is saying it's the same as killing many people or slaughtering everyone in the PD. Enforce common sense RP.
  5. Golden, Sugar coded it so you couldn't hurt your cuffer for like 10 seconds after you pay your fine because he thinks it's not good RP to hurt them after paying it. Tazer is a bad idea. Nonlethal is better: Nonlethal gives you another option for nonlethal takedowns and arrests. The nonlethal, as is, effects people that have committed crimes (players without bounties take like two clips to get slowed once). The nonlethal encourages skill-based gameplay on both sides. While stunned, you can fight back. With the pistol, you have to hit quite a few times. The nonlethal pistol is the most satisfying thing that I've ever encountered on gmod. It's like therapy to shoot it. The tazer would be the equivalent of knocking a player out. While it may be considered skill-based on one side to hit someone with a shot, it gives the other player no opportunity to fight back, escape, or call for help. This would make cops way too OP, all they'd have to know how to do is play the point-and-click adventure game. Day night sequence would be great, the problem is it'd probably effect frame rate. What printer system would have features Sugar hasn't added? We have purchasable upgrades, craftable upgrades, upgrades over time, a battery system with two kinds of batteries, now we have a purchasable upgrade entity...
  6. Money pots. It would make more things better and easier to do, like hobo donations or non-stand shops.
  7. Just do the sit when they come back, there's no need to rush. Nobody would seriously try to say AFK is ltap, right...? NITRP is another story entirely. I've use it so often because people will straight up, when I ask why they killed me/this person, say "because I felt like it" or "I like RDMing" or dumb shit like that. Or just try to shoot everybody in the sit. No intent to play the damn game, just trying to piss off the server staff.
  8. I mean, it's highly situational. If it's obvious in the logs and shownlr that the guy, say, revenge RDM'd and then left a second after the kill happened... On the other hand, "he didn't mug me right!1!! :@ " and the guy left like two minutes after it happened, yeah. Just use your best judgment.
  9. If you have reason to believe your life is in danger, and yes, I would say having your head shot at counts as feeling scared, blast their ass. The issue here is evidence. You're getting warned because you can't prove a damned thing, and that's where this is a huge problem. Players cannot be expected to record 24/7, but they can't be expected to put up with being shot at. It's a really hard call, but right now we're basically on the honor system that you won't lie about shooting at someone. It works for most players, but... The only real way to protect yourself against this kind of thing is to either record or put up with people's bullshit. Neither is a very favorable option, but the game mode can only go so far. In these situations, I encourage staff to try to determine what happened based on player attitude and stories told, but ultimately it's a tough call for anyone to make and we try our best to remain neutral since there's no evidence one way or the other.
  10. I think that he is honestly frustrated and the lack of grammar/sentence structure is probably a result of his age. In addition due to his assumed young age, it may be that he doesnt quite see thing from every angle. I dont think he is trolling, I think he is just frustrated and not sure what else/where else to complain I think you're correct. I apologize for speaking before thinking. Let me craft a better response. I'm going to be 100% honest with you all. Everybody listen carefully, because I'm about to reveal one of the hardest and most secretive truths about TitsRP and its staffing system. None of us, and I do mean none of us*, give a shit if someone is VIP or not. The rules apply the exact same to everybody, and having VIP will not get someone a lower form of punishment. It doesn't personally help us mods, the people who are mostly taking care of most of the sits, if you have VIP. Most people did not pay for their VIP, they bought it with in-game money[1]. You may be confusing it with mods being shitty and helping their friends first, and their friends have VIP because they play a lot. It pisses me off when people say that, so I tend to overreact so I apologize for what I said, but the truth is that we do not care. Thanks to the VIPs for supporting the server, but they have to follow the damn rules too. *I can't speak for any shitty tmods I don't know, but this is true in general for all moderators and administrators [1]Citation needed As far as sits going ignored, whenever I get on all the staff that are not AFK are usually taking care of sits as they come. The sit system was explained earlier so I won't go over it again, instead I'll just give an example: If we get 5 sits at once with 5 staff, that's great! We can take them all! Then during those sits, three more sits are called. Uh, okay, two guys just finished up so two of those can get taken. The third gets lost. Two sits are called with three staff free, they are taken. Four more sits are called in the span of 30 seconds and since one of the staff have to go take a shit, only 1/4 get taken. The rest are lost. One staff member is held up in a half-hour shit fest so we're down one while the sits just keep coming and coming. This is actually how it will work when we have a server full of people being idiots on a Friday night. We're trying our best, but at the end of the day, it comes down to a few key points. Sometimes the load is just too much for the number of staff online, as in the example given above. We're volunteers and we DO get burned out. If I just got online and took sits for 45 minutes straight, I will not take anymore because I'm burned out and the quality of those sits will be shit and won't do anything to help the server. Mistakes will be made and I DO NOT WANT TO BAN THE WRONG PERSON. Staff being offline instead of AFK offers NO advantages. Whenever I ask why staff shouldn't go AFK, the argument is always "well they're staff." Overall, while I understand your frustration, you gotta find some other means of taking care of it than calling us shit. Apply to be a tmod if you care that much, we need people who are passionate about this kind of thing! Take screenshots of any rule breaking you see, if nobody comes to your sit post it on the forums! If you can give us constructive feedback with real, attainable suggestions on how to resolve any of our staffing issues, I would have no problem implementing any changes in my personal staffing policies or attitude and encouraging the rest of the staff to follow suit.
  11. "I usually see vip get 1st priority always" If you're going to make shitty troll posts, try not to let it be this obvious.
  12. At least they aren't both just commenting "eh neutral"
  13. This one only plays the video/audio for people who have hit E on that certain TV, so wouldn't be spammy like the boomboxes. I wouldn't mind something like this, I could watch videos and shit in my base without tabbing out. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=546392647 It's configurable and only requires additional downloads if you're streaming Twitch. But it doesn't work for Mac OS apparently. .-.
  14. >thinking sit count matters For fuck's sake, just hit custom ignore, hit enter, answer the question in OOC, and remind all players to ask any questions in OOC. Talk to anybody claiming those kinds of sits and nudge them in the right direction. The sit is 100% fine to be taken if an in-person explanation would be better. For example, someone wanted to know how the hit system works or how to make a fading door.
  15. If there's no sits around and someone calls about stupid shit, I see no problem with doing stupid shit. I do stupid shit all the time and I'm still highly...well...I'm regarded, at least. >thinking sit count matters
  16. Allowing double fading doors is unique and forces a style of RP (go find a vendor and purchase this item so you can raid this base) that isn't a bad thing, but I definitely see what you mean. It'd be cool if keypad crackers could be made more widely available somehow.
  17. Okay...? You've just proven the point of people saying you need a C4 to raid one-way bases, it's literally the only example you've given...
  18. Guests votes don't count. If I wanted to, I could give a guest vote like once every 15-60 seconds depending on how our forums block guests from voting... (cookies or IP) Seems a bit odd that you think people who either 1. Don't have a Steam account and thus don't play on our server or 2. Are trying to manipulate the votes by voting without an account should have their votes counted.
  19. You mean if you have a C4 or blowtorch. Also, now 11 guests are voting for the same exact option. .-. Whoever it is, I hope you realize guests votes aren't going to be counted...
  20. @lolibot +1 warn system should be text-based. There is currently no evidence for people warning through voice. I have to say "theres no proof" and end the sit, which results in salt. Each fading door is one. This is the current rule. Double fading door = 2 doors, triple = 3 doors. Any more than that is breaking the 3 fading doors rule. +1 to only allow double fading doors.
  21. We can tell if the poll is edited. Removing the one-ways will make raiding possible again. You won't be able to stop huge groups, but I guess that's just what happens when memers unite. Make your own group, be very skilled, or you can't survive. I hate to say it, but it's RP. You shouldn't be able to go up against a 10 man gang as one guy. Yeah, there's an argument to be made about balance, but if you're trying to balance it where one guy can defend against ten...I dunno about that. (Disclaimer: I hate the idea of these yuge groups coming together, I really do.) Edit: Don't count guest votes. In the time that it took me to type my response 6 guests voted for the same exact option. That's just a tiny bit suspicious. .-.
  22. That's prop block anyway. .-. Just take a screenshot and upload.
  23. Bitch, nobody gonna fuck with Fantasma.
  24. No, then when people come back online their printers may still be taken. If they go away when they come back online, they'd just relog to get their printers back. Too much abuse potential.
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