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Walter the Assaulter


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Walter the Assaulter

  1. I noticed that a while back, and that I couldn't remover tool it...it's been there at least two months. I forgot all about it.
  2. Read the thread notes. Looks like you guys keep accidentally(?) reopening it, and when it IS closed Cullen opens it without saying anything. Rogue? Delete the thread if it mysteriously re-opens without anyone saying anything...
  3. Being in a party with somebody automatically makes you involved with any situation they're in and thus are automatically countering. So...if I kill somebody in a party, I will simply kill everybody else involved and/or countering that I see nearby. :^)
  4. Neko says being in a party is enough involvement. Trust me, I argued about it enough. He said it somewhere on one of the reports or ban appeals a few weeks back, i'll grab the link at some point for evidence, but party = auto counter.
  5. There are absolutely zero rules relating to the "grace period." The grace period is a period in which you can be killed as many times as you want but you will not be demoted. I believe it lasts five minutes. The only exception is the mayor's assassin which always demotes when they kill the mayor for some reason. There was an issue with the mayor's assassin not being demoted when the mayor died, which was...supposedly fixed.
  6. Add "Front door of the PD can be locked" to motd. People FUCKING LOVE making up their own rules about this and telling me that the owner/superadmin personally told them that the front door must remain locked at all times or the entire server will implode on itself and cause all our computers to catch fire so I'm wrong and go die. TRIAL MODS TOO!
  7. I can see the unarrest stick, although we do have the /unarrest command. Why the other stuff though? And why not just the staff on duty job?
  8. That's just like my prison warden idea, but I think yours would work better since it incorporates a job already there. Give him keys to the PD and let him collect bond set by the mayor if the player wants released right away. Money gets split between the whole department like when someone buys health/armor.
  9. Maybe this is the Citizen's Arrest update.
  10. March 26th Changelog Added in auto merging when picking up items Among other very awesome improvements for the new inv system. https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=13&page=36
  11. Gang wars currently last until one of the leaders die. Add an option to make it timed or number of deaths instead, it might not be necessarily RP but straight-up gang wars are fun as heck.
  12. I recall the last kid trying to use a loophole in a ban appeal got perma banned. Fuck loopholes. Sugar hates loophole kids as much as the rest of the staff team, so don't worry about them. If it comes down to a report, you won't be held responsible if you did the right thing for the server. By all means try to get them fixed, but it's not as big of a deal as you think it is.
  13. This is a known prop exploit technique and is punishable by EITHER 7 day ban or perma ban.
  14. I kind of like the ebola system though. Maybe the drug dealer can sell the ebola resisting potion at an increased price, or just potions overall. Maybe someone would actually play it then. Actually that isn't a very good idea, but I don't even know what the drug dealer does right now. I remember being told that drugs were broken or useless or something and I see a drug dealer around maybe once a day, sometimes not at all.
  15. Two guests voted? .__. I know we don't care, but I would think people who don't play Tits would REALLY not care...
  16. The guy competing with sugar for top scammer 2017
  17. >2009 Is that your birth year, or? Because this was a thing long, long, long before then...
  18. ya fucking pigger, welcome to the server I'm also a huge fan of playing CP, glad to have you on the force my friend.
  19. +1, this is an amazing suggestion and can be enforced with code like sugar likes to do This would force terrorists to strike terror into the heart of all citizens by directly attacking the PD or being a slow, silent killer in the lesser-traveled portions of the map slowly biding their time until they have the resources, clout, and balls to attack normal citizens. Very visible text should pop up on everybody's screen after the limit is hit that says "TERRORISTS THREATEN THE CITY: HIDE OR FIGHT BACK," like a lockdown does or at least put it in chat every minute or so until the attack is over.
  20. If I made a post to nerf/remove a job after getting mad about getting killed by it I'd have 30 posts dedicated solely to the juggernaut. Get over it.
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