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Walter the Assaulter


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Walter the Assaulter

  1. Unless in a pack of 3+, the juggernaut is usually the only CP I fear. Let's be honest here, most CP are dog shit and only take action when they see you defending yourself from a lethal attack...by killing you. Also, this is definitely in the wrong section. I'll move it for you so nobody warns you.
  2. A moderator made the entire section to the left of spawn a "war zone" and put a sign above the tunnel that said "enter at your own risk," apparently with an admin's permission since he joined in the festivities, and then a VIP kept it going after the mod got off with their permission I guess. I don't really think it's allowed but I'm not going to enact anybody's wrath ingame if an admeme says it's okay. If it is, I'm suggesting that it not be allowed because it was pretty annoying with the complaints I got and having to walk through fountain to get to the rocks, especially since it wasn't like it was a megabase...they were one CC putting down a line and sign for the district. @the bitminer debate Bitminers are balanced around the idea that they are legal so officers cannot warrant your base for hearing them or destroy them if they DO raid your base. They are easy to start using (just type help and go from there) but have more customization options if you want to delve into them. I know you easily make your fuel money back before it runs out, although I've only really used the cheapest ones since I don't base often or for long. It'd be interesting if someone would do the math on the return you get or if Sugar can casually ramble it off. If cops are destroying your bitminers, call for staff. They are entitled to a warn (or ban if they keep doing it!) or you are entitled to ask for a refund in return for the user not being warned if they did it on purpose. Please do realize if your printers are close to your bitminers, they can be destroyed in the resulting explosion so try to have them in a room by themselves where nothing could accidentally hurt them. #protips @m9k debate There IS an addon that allows you to tweak the damage of all weapons at once (literally a setting that says damage = 1.0 and you change the number lower or (god why) higher), but I think models are the way to go (which sugar is doing). A few people told me that our weapons look like garbage, which is a fair point. I think they look okay, but I really only care that they go bang and someone in front of me dies. Personally, I think FA:S 2 was where it was at. Optional attachments were awesome, especially scopes you could put on or take off depending on what you need at the time. Shame we can't go back to it.
  3. Disallow the whole "war zone" thing. I got too many complaints last night and it was annoying to walk out of spawn and not realize I was going to get randomly fucking shot. What kind of NLR rules exist for terrorist attacks? If I'm sitting at the end of a tunnel can they come back? What if I move away, can they follow and shoot me after they die? What if I move and they come in a different way, not knowing I was there, and start shooting me again? You make about as much money as the old ones with the option to upgrade them, They only require two commands to use...which you can learn by literally typing "help" into the bitminer...
  4. I was not bribed to give zek this +1 for mod. (No, really, he said he would bribe me but he didn't give me shit. -1 doesn't even know how bribes work)
  5. I can clarify. I've argued with the admins enough about all this. I assume by button you mean the button tool and not the keyboard shortcut for your fading door. The only fading doors required to be attached to a 5s keypad are the ones leading to your shit, those are the only ones required to be open for at least five seconds. Windows you shoot out of, alternative exits for your base, etc can be opened for a shorter period, especially if you use a button. The use of buttons on fading doors to stop raiders who are keypad cracking, lock picking, using C4, or blowtorching is 100% fading door abuse, even if the fading door in question is not one of your 5 second fading doors. The last scenario would be okay since it was attached to a button.
  6. It's against the rules to run into spawn to avoid RP. Call for a staff member if this happens, request that they go to you instead of bring you to a sit area.
  7. Sorry to leave you hanging. We graciously accept. Seeing that the Bourne Alliance has us both listed as an ally, I believe this is an excellent opportunity. Fuck off with your weeabo ass-in-ass bullshit We have an eye, your assassins creed shit can't match us
  8. I just yell "UNDERCOVER COP AS HOBO" or whatever in group chat a few times every couple minutes.
  9. Disallow use of speed sweps for RP situations, or add a way for non-paying players to get ahold of them... That would be extremely unprofessional.
  10. Wire won't be added because it can become resource intensive and it's way too easily exploitable. Raise the amount of people that can own a door above 4. I received a complaint today and it kinda makes sense if there's a whole gang in one base. Maybe make it match the party size. Fix logs that aren't working, like purchase logs. They worked before we switched to slogs... Make a "party join/leave" log, or make it so there's some kind of delay to leaving/joining parties or something. Sometimes I run into a situation where somebody says they killed someone because party counter, but they actually switched/joined parties right after the kill to try to not get into trouble. It's not really something you can prove other than the killer saying !party right after killing. I caught one today, but only because I was quick. Add information about gang wars/revolts/terrorist attacks to the MOTD. I don't think it's strictly necessary, but I've received a few complaints regarding players not knowing when it's okay to shoot terrorists or revolters, specifically if you become CP in the middle of a revolt. Just thought I'd mention it.
  11. kills with the wabbajack turn someone into a prop RDM knock them back Attempted RDM It's like shooting someone with a gun that only does damage half the time. Just because it doesn't always does damage doesn't mean it's not RDM when it does do damage...
  12. sounds like a case of BAD AND MAD Seriously though, it's hitboxes and hitmarkers being fucky. I play cop a lot and I can tell you that when I get a head shot on raiders, most of the time they'll be fine.
  13. Beersy and Salt and Pepper? We're fucked...
  14. Implement "no response within 24 hours" as an accept for ban appeal. There are times where I may not be able to get on due to work being an ass, but I have 10 minutes for the forums.
  15. Honestly, of all the piss-poor attempts to start drama that I've ever seen, this thread is easily top 10.
  16. One person rep bomb! Seems legit...
  18. Haha sure , I think Cheat in your book mean's Good rekt
  19. "...Noclip abusing, and just using your mod powers for things that aren't good." Like noclip abuse, deleting world props, NPCs, and player props? You are literally describing what you did, calling it abuse, and saying it isn't abuse because you did it.
  20. "I did not abuse" "noclipping around and deleted a few world props and NPC's" Just to make it clear for the newer users, noclip abuse, deleting world and player props, and deleting NPCs are definitely abuse. Noclip abuse is the #1 demote reason.
  21. Make it against the rules to cover up your model with clothes, like people will just make themselves a big ball or something so they're harder to hit. Something like an over sized hat is fine, but they'll completely surround themselves in black and make it six or seven times wider than the model.
  22. https://www.titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=4
  23. You can kidnap as a citizen. You cannot raid. You can scam them to kidnap them, but you can't touch their shit. You're not involved in that kind of criminal activity. If you want to bring IRL into this (ugh, but I'll take the bait), being a "criminal" does not mean you will commit any criminal act available to you. People who jaywalk won't go shooting people for money.
  24. What would the terms and conditions of this alliance be?
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