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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by chud

  1. I'm sorry but I think you may be the only one
  2. This right here. This would be super sick to see
  3. I think that the upgrades part of this suggestion would be cool to see, so I'm +1 for that. Although if players could eject all of their unprocessed drugs then it would be a bit unfair to any would be raiders as drugs are often the only profit that raiders make. (besides the base's entities) So i have to say -1 for the drug ejection.
  4. +1 I agree. If the mayor makes processors/drugs legal then cops should be allowed to buy them.
  5. There's really not that many. It doesn't take too long to scroll through and find the one you want lol
  6. I don't really see the point in having a way to take things out of people's inventory, I don't really think it would be something that staff would need
  7. I'm pretty sure staff already have logs for inventory pickup
  8. As zesty said, there is already multiple ways to recover health/armor. I would be in support of an adjustment of the map on the outer side of the ocean. I do think that it could use a bit of excitement underwater map wise. I think that the FAL's damage is alright though, the weapons on tits are decently balanced. this definitely doesn't belong in the suggestion part of the forums
  9. I would email comedy central about it
  10. koda gets it, if you died because you took one point of damage then that ones on you
  11. I do like the idea of cp being allowed to decide if the mayor is unfun. If someone is playing as cp then they should get a say in the vote.
  12. If the server doesn't hate you as mayor enough to demote you with unfun then you aren't unfun worthy. Just be really hated or create an rp campaign to demote the mayor.
  13. -1, if you can't win a pd raid/revolt then you shouldn't be able to remove the mayor. Remember, there's an option in the suga shop where you can buy out the mayor.
  14. I think that the Gru job should be changed to a Da Baby job. I'm not sure if it still has a baby thrower but if it does, the sound could be changed to a clip of Da Baby saying "lesss goooo" or something. I also think that the minion job should be changed to a job called "Impostor" or "Crewmate" with an Among Us playermodel. I think this because minions are very cool and funny, but I think that Da Baby and among us jobs would be a better fit for the server and it would be some cool classes that a lot of people would enjoy. I'm not trying to be rude, I'm really not, but Minions and Gru are a little outdated, but the Da Baby and among us memes are still pretty fresh and new.
  15. +1, when i first saw this feature i thought this was what it did lol
  16. +1 this would help with sits and also avoid trouble since a player could just check logs to see what bird shit on them
  17. I'd like to add that on both my phone and my pc, the paypal portal opens but closes itself and doesn't let me confirm it or anything
  18. I tried all of those, I'm still having the same issue. But the website does say "UNKNOWN" in the upper right hand corner, is that maybe what the issue is
  19. I have been trying to buy lifetime, and whenever I click the button for the paypal portal after putting my steamid in and selecting the buy as gift option, it just gives me an error. " {"error":"Failed to verify assertion"} ". Then it refreshes the page and brings me back to the steam sign in menu
  20. What dokers said. It really only works towards the front of the jeep though.
  21. chud

    Add Piss SWEP

    Nice necropost bald one. I am -1 for the addition of a piss swep as it could break the economy.
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