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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/18 in all areas

  1. Already added Im pretty sure this was already added if you mean how the persons info is retained even after closing tab menu !unfun and !revolt are better solutions and I think it was added that people can rejoin cp when mayor is demoted. I however think there should be a set amount or a cooldown for firing during grace to avoid people going mayor only to fire people then leave. This ties into job bans I think as the old job bans only banned until the person logged off or something. Making job bans more easily used could be an alternative to banning someone. Example: someone abuses the alien swep -> job ban for 1 day and 12 hours. Someone rdms 2 people as the sewer lord above ground thinking he could --> 6 hour job ban. This would be up to staff tho since it kinda slots in between a verbal warning and a kick/warning. Being liked by the commnity shouldn't be a deciding factor at all becoming staff imo. If the person isn't going to work as a team thats a different story than someone just thinking Billy25 isn't a cool guy. I think killcams have a planned update that sugar has for the future. I think they are good since it indirectly reduces sit calls for rdm that might be false. If someone is killed from far away as a terrorist and you don't see anything that might get people to call rdm sits immideatly (which already happens at a lesser degree). If people have a visual cue it helps them know who killed them and most likely why. Also killcams are fun since you get to know what weapon they killed you with and I know there is a plan to add the custom names of enchanted weapons to killcam aswell. I think it would be really cool if you could use gang talent points for weapon slots on the gang cc. Idk if it can be implemented since if the talent is rerolled a slot has to be removed but that limits the gang cc to not be as good as a regular cc and also has an opportunity cost of losing a possibly strong talent in your gang.
    1 point
  2. Ingame name: Steam profile: - https://steamcommunity.com/id/pineconemahfk/home Previous gangs: - Tunnel Snakes Hours played: - 6 after reset, I was forced to take a large break but I had like 400 before reset Hours played past week: - 6 Gametracker score: - 12 Age: - 18 What can you provide regarding raids: I'm able to provide quality raiding skills as well as covering fire when raiding and picking locks/cracking keypads What can you provide regarding basing: - I have a few base dupes I'm able to share as well as being able to stay at the base to defend at all times Do you use a mic: - I sure do What is your favorite food: - Pizza I really would like to join because I'm looking for a sense of community that I had before I was forced to take a break due to my mom being diagnosed with cancer. I feel like itd be alot of fun and I could learn alot from everyone in the gang :).
    1 point
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