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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/18 in all areas

  1. The MOTD lays out default laws and guidelines that should be followed without a mayor. The mayor runs the city how he wants, with the exception of laws that break the rules (all citizens aos, breathing is kos, obvious corruption like printers are legal, etc). This is to give the sense that the mayor has real power in the city and you should be more careful with who you vote in. If more people hate the mayor, more people will try to kill the mayor. That is the idea of balance between a shitty mayor and nice mayor. Revolt Raid PD/whatever base mayor is in Get a hit on the mayor Mayor's Assassin Mug/kidnap/other RP Asking nicely If you have suggestions for more balance changes we would love to hear them, but we are trying to encourage a type of roleplay on this sever where we give people the freedom to do what they want and roleplay their issues out. In this case, roleplay with a bullet to the head.
    1 point
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