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  1. Today
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  3. What kind of pride month?
  4. im gonna fuck a dude in the ass to show my support for pride month
  5. pessimistic ass loser bitch try to be happy about something for once
  6. can't wait to see the homophobia and transphobia on this server skyrocket tenfold this month!!
  7. @TheRealHex happy gay month!!
  8. i just wanted to celebrate pride month dude
  9. happy pride month everyone i will be coming for you soon
  10. Last week
  11. theres a mod named terry and he makes the server SHIT. and he smells bad. picture unrelated
  12. most dots are hard to see if they are far away and regardless of color. I would recommend you make a solid black dupe with no world glow textures and use that if your having trouble seeing it. i usually go to kingdom to get my target and then judge direction from there
  13. Howdy! I am the Tim Hopgood. I do not base, I build RP Bases and essentially that is all I do. I have met some of you from running the Dollar Tree and running the Office Depot. I am grateful for the people I have met and for those who have commissioned me for RP bases so far! Here is a funny picture of me with a McDonalds I built
  14. Hello Tits! My name is Tim Hopgood, you may have seen me run a Dollar Tree or possibly a Office Depot. First off, I love the community here and cannot wait to meet more of you. I am a professional GMOD BUILDER!!! With four years of experience. Please take a look at my work below. I am building custom RP bases for the right price. I can build anything. Please message me on discord @ advdupe2
  15. maybe make it like a picture of spongbob very tiny i would do
  16. Having a red dot overlap with mostly brown/red environment is somewhat difficult for me to track, Having a RGB selection for the target dot in the help menu would be a small QOL addition. Thanks for the consideration.
  17. that would be kinda cool not supbarb needed but if it existed i wouldnt complain
  18. Hello team, I am reaching out because poller JOB only shows the top voted option, what about the options? do they not matter? It would be really cool if when playing poller JOB on TitsRP | High FPS | 90+ Jobs | Custom | FastDL ( you get to see all the votes for everything thanks - THANKS
  19. fat prick will you unban me already

  20. May 28th Changelog [Summer 2024 Battlepass] Added the Summer 2024 Battlepass with 50 tiers Added unlockable accessories, chat tags, bobbers, pets, emotes, and a ragdoll Fixed a bug where the HUD would draw over other UI elements Fixed broken pickaxe model in the crafting menu Small UI improvements to the inventory frame
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